Sunday, April 21, 2019

It's Resurrection Sunday...

Behold the Risen King!

Our Hope Complete in the power of the Empty Tomb...
Rejoicing in the Gift of our Living Messiah!

Easter Blessings,
My Love,

* photo credit: thelordismylightandmysalvation

Friday, April 19, 2019

In the Middle of it All...

- aftermath of the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral
April 16, 2019

"In the middle of the ashes, the cross remains.
A powerful reminder... No matter the devastation we face,
no matter what is burned up, the cross is victorious and
Sunday is on it's way."
                             ~ Sheila Walsh

Holy Friday, a day darkened in the Shadow Valley...
So grateful we know how the story ends!

The valley gives way to Glorious Light,
For He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

May your Easter Weekend be filled with Graces Abundant
and Love more than Amazing!

My Love, Always,

Monday, April 15, 2019

Breathing Deep... Welcoming Spring!

Sometimes you just need to get away and recenter...

First the fun!  A trip to iFly to try a little indoor skydiving.  So. Much. Fun...

Then some rest and breathing deep!  A week at Lake Mineral Wells State Park with friends.

The stress rolled off the minute we parked our camper and put the kayak in!

Great hiking... Beautiful Days...
Perfect Spring Moments

Amazing Strength... this tree splitting through solid rock!

Then there's this Delicate Beauty...
Fragile flowers belie their determined perseverance
in the face of  such harsh conditions!

Welcoming Spring in Texas!
Sweet Bluebonnets make us smile...

Breathing Deep of Simple Joys

May your week be filled with moments that bring rest for soul and body...

My Love, Always,