Saturday, January 25, 2020

Could this Tiny Little Herb be a Game-Changer in the Cancer Fight?

Sometimes when we're in the trenches fighting cancer, struggling with the emotional and physical weariness, it's very easy to feel all alone.

And to forget that their are angels working diligently in their labs around the world to find new treatments that will turn the tide on this cancer fight.  Their work continues, often in the shadows, to investigate and track down leads that give hope to each and every cancer fighter.

Some of those angels work at the Kimmel Cancer Center in Philadelphia. Their team in the cancer center has focused their work on a traditional  herbal medicine called Nigella Sativa.

They have found that this ancient herb can actually kill Pancreatic Cancer cells... in controlled studies... in their lab.

Can I get a shout out?!!

Very exciting news on the pancreatic cancer front.  But... you knew there would be a But right?!

But... the research is still so very preliminary.  The work is yet to be replicated in a large human study.

Yet, this is a breakthrough worthy of sharing.  And worthy of watching.

So what, exactly, is Nigella Sativa?  You might be surprised to find it sitting in your spice rack already.

You may know it by one of its more common names: 

Black Seed
Black Cumin
Black Caraway
Small Fennel

Nigella Sativa is actually an annual flowering plant found in mostly in Asia.  

The flowers are small, usually a pale blue and white, growing up to 12 inches tall, producing a fruit with seeds that are used to flavor many cuisines.

In addition to its culinary uses, the Nigella Sativa's seeds are also know for their medicinal properties.  Through the ages, the black cumin seeds, or Black Seed Oil, have been used in various traditional herbal remedies for a wide range of ailments such as respiratory disorders, headache and back pain, diabetes, infection, hypertension and digestive tract afflictions.

Among the wide range of illnesses treated with Nigella sativa there were some early studies showing the black seeds had some anti-cancer properties in both prostate and colon cancers.  Dr. Hwyda Arafat led her team at the Kimmel Cancer Center in using the active ingredient in the black seed extract, called Thymoquinone, to treat a human pancreatic cancer cell line in the lab.

The results were nothing short of amazing.  The team found that adding thymoquinone killed approximately 80% of the cancer cells.  Their work demonstrated that the thymoquinone triggered programmed cell death in the pancreatic cancer cells.

While the Kimmel Cancer Center has still not been able to pursue a human trial, there has been a small study done at the Bezmialem Vakif University in Turkey with 20 pancreatic cancer patients...

The study used the nigella sativa seed and pure honey in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation and was conducted by a team of 8 doctors in the Department of Oncology. The results were reported in the Journal of Nutritional Health and Food Engineering.  

Again, news worth sharing!

The results from their trial revealed that chemotherapy supported by Nigella Sativa and pure honey consumption increased the survival time when used before and during treatment of pancreatic cancer patients. 

And that is a Huge win for the pancreatic cancer world!  Still not the cure we are fighting for, but it is a breakthrough for more time.  

More time to spend with family... More time to fulfill those dreams... More time to say I love you...

And more time to find the Cure!

Graced to Hope this night,

P.S. Always, always check with your oncology team before adding or changing your diet and/or supplements.  Nigella sativa may be a game-changer in the cancer fight, but it also comes with its fair share of warnings... when used in high doses, the black seed oil can become toxic.  Never try to dose yourself with herbal remedies without the care and guidance of a qualified doctor... 

My Love, Always!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A New Step...

Praying Grace over every step.

My Love, Always,

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Finding Grace Update...

Hello friends,

If you were on the fence about downloading our book, Finding Grace in the Shadow Valley, then today might I share a bit of happy news??

If you head on over to Amazon right now, the Kindle version is free!  (for a few more hours...)

If you find yourself on the difficult road of a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, or know someone who is,  perhaps our story will resonate and give Hope... because there is much too be hopeful for on this journey.

And we are determined to champion hard for a cure in our lifetime!

Come read along for FREE!

Graced to Hope,

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Yesterday's a Closing Door...

Yesterday.  New Year's Eve.  Time to bid 2019 goodbye.

And I tried.  Wanted to.

But... it was hard.  Funny thing.  2019 was such a year of loss.  You would think I'd be ready to say farewell and embrace a new year.

You'd think.

And I know that grief can color a world gray.  Yet, it was more than the grief.

Saying Goodbye to 2019 moved me farther away from Dad.  Odd how a mind works.  But moving forward into a new year seemed to feel as if I was leaving him behind.

Each new day, each new memory made, will be one without him in it.  And that's ok. Truly.  Dad would want nothing less than for us to live our best lives.

My head gets it... but my heart has remained firmly entrenched in 2019.

Until a song spoke some truth.

The song... Tell your Heart to Beat Again by Danny Gokey.  It simply touched a place deep.

The music is beautiful, but the words were meant for me today...

Danny Gokey is no stranger to the grief valley.  To learn more of his story head on over to this interview with Danny on CBN, Find Purpose in your Darkest Moments.  It is a beautiful story of loss and love and learning to hope again... 

You're shattered, Like you've never been before,
The life you knew, in a thousand pieces on the floor.

And words fall short in times like these,
When this world drives you to your knees.

You think you're never gonna get back
To the you that used to be...

Tell your heart to beat again,
Close your eyes and breathe it in.
Let the shadows fall away,
Step into the light of grace.
Yesterday's a closing door.
You don't live there anymore.
Say goodbye to where you've been 
And tell your heart to beat again.

Those words, sung to a broken heart.  It is true.  The grief and the loss find a way to keep us living in yesterday's shadow.

Danny Gokey penned the truth.  For yesterday is a closing door.  We don't live there anymore.  It is time to say goodbye to where we've been, and tell our heart to beat again...

And if I wasn't already captivated by God's faithful assurance of His everlasting care, the next verse moved me to a place of hope and promise...

Just let that word wash over you.
It's alright now,
Love's healing hands have pulled you through.
So, get back up, take step one
Leave the darkness, feel the sun,
'Cause your story's far from over,
And your journey's just begun.

Tell your heart to beat again.

Without a doubt, that is the lesson I needed to hear at the start of this new decade ... Perhaps you too?

Our story's far from over.  Our journey's just begun.

Yesterday is a closing door.
We don't live there anymore.
Say Goodbye to where you've been,

And tell your heart to beat again.

God is just beginning to do a Great Work
And I can't wait to be a part of the journey.

Welcoming 2020 with a Heart full of Hope!
My Love Always,