Monday, August 31, 2020

Happily Hermitting...

 Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a contestant on the crazy "hit" series Alone??

Yep.  We might have binged on a season or two.  Cuz we just got wi-fi in the cabin and we can. Lol!

I mean, 5 years with just our hotspot and very limited data, way out in our little, backwoods, down a dirt road bit of paradise.  We didn't know how much we've been missing! With the new wi-fi connection, the world has opened up...

And now we're watching 10 complete strangers willingly jump on a plane with their 10 carefully curated items and allowing themselves to be dumped off ALONE in the wilderness... to see who can survive the longest pitted against the elements... It's beyond crazy!! (and slightly addicting!)

So, it came as a surprise to realize we are playing out our own ALONE series in this on-going pandemic... and kind of enjoying it.

In a happy hermit, peaceful days, midnight-black, starry nights kind of way.

And surprisingly we've gotten a lot accomplished around our neck of the woods.  I guess that happens when you're ALONE in the middle of no-where with no distractions to de-rail your plans!

So, while the computer's been gathering dust, we've been busy checking important boxes off our never-ending to-do list.

In no particular order here are the happenings this month past!

Honey Harvesting

Landscape Designing

Flagstone Sidewalk Laying

Workshop Constructing

Front Gate Building

Wildlife Watching

Kayak Relaxing

Happily Hermitting this season together.  Doesn't get much easier than spending days working alongside your best friend.  Blessed more than I can express!

Praying these trying days find you filling your heart with the things that matter most.

Graced to be holding life and love close tonight...

In Love, Always,