Thursday, November 26, 2020

This is Gratitude!

 Joy for this day...

Sitting in the company of these amazing Pancreatic Cancer Survivors!

Each survivor shares their story and grants Hope for the Journey!

This is a thanksgiving overflowing with gratitude.

I love the resounding hope and encouragement they offer.

And while so many pancreatic cancer patients hear a devastating prognosis, and are thrown into a nightmare measured in just weeks or months,
don't miss this...

There are people walking away from Pancreatic Cancer.

These men and women are living, breathing, grateful survivors of this brutal cancer.  Treatments and therapies are making a difference!

Never giving up hope.

And Always giving thanks...

My Love today,

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wearing Purple Proudly This Day...

 because today is World Pancreatic Cancer Day!

Join us today...

Turn the World Purple
to raise awareness for Pancreatic Cancer!

We can make a difference when we join our resources together
and fight as one

And that begins with knowing the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer...

The World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition has gathered over 80 organizations in a global initiative to raise awareness, share knowledge, and unify their collective voices to end pancreatic cancer.

Join us today for World Pancreatic Cancer Day to make a Difference...

Whether you wear purple to spark a conversation, help fund research for new treatments, or share the knowledge you have learned about early detection, it's about time we stand up and make a difference...

Because Every. Moment. Matters.

My Love,

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Remembering Poppy

 It has been one year since I've heard his voice, or seen his smile...

The missing is always there,
the turn of a thought, the sight of that photo album of our last cruise together,
or the glimpse of his favorite iris blooming now in our front garden...

But then there are days.
Days when the remembering is especially poignant. 
These "anniversaries" are hard...
And each step is a part of this grief journey, I know that.

But oh, we miss the phone calls,
the traveling, the jokes, the stories,
the hugs, and boy, that smile.

What I would give for heaven's veil to part
for just a moment and see his face...

And I've decided that the remembering helps with the grief. Truly.

We have been loved so well and it serves us up a huge helping of joy to reminise over the years we have had with Dad.

Even his quirks made us smile today
and we just had to stop at his favorite Burger joint for a bite to eat ;-)
Comfort food for a day like today!
(And he was right, their fries are really the best, just sayin')

Oh, Dad, we miss you so...
We cherish the legacy you have left us.

We gladly become the Rememberers,
it is a gift to be yours.

My Love,

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Day for Gratitude

To All our Brave Men and Women who have served so Faithfully... 

To the veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our very freedoms, gratitude pours freely, this and every day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

 2020 can just stop.  It seems that every time we turn around more bad news piles up.

Devastating Wildfires scorching homes and hearts.

Destructive Volcanoes and Earthquakes rattling our peace.

Pandemics and Fear squeezing the breath right out of us.

Quarantines and Suffering continuing to haunt.

So many plans that were abruptly changed or cancelled... the weddings, the birthdays... the trips, the visits... and funerals that hung in limbo for much too long. 

The world stood still while our heartaches mounted.

Yesterday we were served yet again another dose of bad news.  Hard news.  News that we perhaps knew was coming, but nevertheless caught us off guard.

Alex Trebek lost his long battle with pancreatic cancer this weekend past.

And it made my heart falter a bit when I heard the news.

Alex Trebek felt like a friend.  We invited him into our home every evening after supper and he never failed to entertain...and educate us!

His charm and dry wit and kindness on the long-time set of Jeopardy has been a staple in our lives for decades, passed down from our parents... I can remember a sweet Mother-in-law who loved his show and could pose questions to his answers faster than we could look them up on google!

We have followed his pancreatic cancer journey with hope as he passed the dreaded 3-6 month prognosis and then a year, and 18 months... we dared to believe he would be one of the few who beat this cancer and could pave the way for others to find a treatment that worked.

Our hearts go out to his family and friends who loved him well.

He will be mssed by so many.

Mike Richards, the executive producer of Jeopardy, shared his thoughts in a touching tribute last night before Alex Trebek's final Jeopardy episode series began.

"He loved this show and everything it stood for.  In fact, he filmed his final episodes less than two weeks ago.  He will forever be an inspiration for his constant desire to learn, his kindness and for his love of his family."

And now, he will also be the face of hope to all those fighting this deadly disease.

He chose to meet his cancer head-on and through his transparent, honest updates, he has encouraged all of us to stand up and do something about this cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer research is one of the least funded cancers and the 5-year survival rate is dismally still in the single digits. That needs to change, and Alex was determined to use his platform to make a difference.

With his death, the torch has been passed to us.

We can and must make a difference for all those in the fight of their lives...
Pancreatic Cancer does not get the final say.

During an interview earlier this year, Alex Trebek said his final sign-off will be a significant moment for him, sharing these parting words,

"And until we meet again, God bless you and goodbye."