Friday, April 28, 2023

Is He Worthy?

Beautiful... oh my soul... if we ever wondered what the church is all about.  It is not the building, nor the programs, nor the rituals.  The church - it is the body of Christ, coming together to worship the One who is always worthy.

Perfect Praise for this broken world!   Praise to the Lion of Judah, who conquered the grave!

Listen and be Blessed!

Do you feel the world is broken?
(We do)
Do you feel the shadows deepen?
(We do)
But do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from getting through?
(We do)
Do you wish that you could see it all made new?
(We do)
Is all creation groaning?
(It is)
Is a new creation coming?
(It is)
Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst?
(It is)
Is it good that we remind ourselves of this?
(It is)
Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory
Is He worthy of this?
He is
Does the Father truly love us?
(He does)
Does the Spirit move among us?
(He does)
And does Jesus, our Messiah hold forever those He loves?
(He does)
Does our God intend to dwell again with us?
(He does)
Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
From every people and tribe
Every nation and tongue
He has made us a kingdom and priests to God
To reign with the Son
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of this?
He is!
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?

He is! He is!

Lift your heart in praise, for He is Worthy!

Friday, April 7, 2023

A Day of Sorrows

We call today Good Friday.  A day where the sun's light failed in grief. 

Good Fridays are the darkest days of our faith journey... 

It's a time to remember that:

- Grapes must be crushed to make wine.
- Diamonds form under pressure.
- Olives are pressed to release oil.
- Seeds grow in darkness.

So, whenever you feel Crushed, Under Pressure, Pressed or in Darkness...

You're in a powerful place of transformation.  

Hold on to that hope, dear one, this pain will not last forever.  One day soon, His Glory will shine, and the darkness will give way to a glorious Light led by Love!

In that Blessed Hope,
Always, My Love,