Wednesday, October 18, 2023

2 Exciting FREE Cancer Resources for You!

 October is a great month for Cancer Research.

And if you need some encouragement, a whole ton of support and information, then these 2 resources are for you!

First of all, Chris Beat Cancer is opening up his Square One Cancer Coaching Program for the month of October, for FREE... This is normally a paid course and covers some very crucial information.

The Square One Healing Cancer Coaching Program was born out of Chris' own experience with cancer, plus 15+ years of research learning from doctors and experts, survivors who've healed naturally and from personally coaching hundreds of cancer patients one-on-one.

Chris has taken the best, evidence-based, holistic healing protocols and organized them into a simple, straightforward course.  Definitely worth your time!

Check it out here to sign up.

Next, Let's Win Pancreatic Cancer is offering a FREE webinar specifically for Pancreatic Cancer patients...

Let's Win Pancreatic Cancer is teaming up for a webinar to explain the relationship between risk factors and symptoms to shed some light on getting diagnosed as soon as possible.  Another worthwhile program to sign up for!

Breaking down barriers together to find a winning strategy in the fight to healing!

My Love,