Sunday, December 31, 2023

Goodbye 2023!

 One last thought as December brings the year to a close...

And I like the thought behind this meme.  In general, it's refreshing to declutter and delete things that don't add value to your life... but... then there's the world of Cancer.

Not so simple.  If we could just hit the delete button and start over.  Remove the cancer and all the ensuing battles, the heartache and the pain.  

As we all know, all too well, there is no Delete button. Sigh... So, where do we go on this last day of December?  Closing the chapter on 2023 and heading straight into the unknown of 2024.  A blank book... an unwritten story... 

I have decided to add another word to the list.

De-voted.  Like being devoted to the things and people that matter.  The passions and the dreams that drive our decisions.

Devoting ourselves to living our lives well... De-spite the baggage of a cancer diagnosis.

Join me in bidding 2023 adieu and facing 2024 with a De-votion to all the things that matter most.

That will lead to a live de-finitely well lived!

My Love, Always,

Monday, December 25, 2023

From our heart to yours...

 Merry Christmas!

Celebrating the most precious gift...
A Savior is born this day!

Merry Christmas,
from our heart to yours!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

2 Exciting FREE Cancer Resources for You!

 October is a great month for Cancer Research.

And if you need some encouragement, a whole ton of support and information, then these 2 resources are for you!

First of all, Chris Beat Cancer is opening up his Square One Cancer Coaching Program for the month of October, for FREE... This is normally a paid course and covers some very crucial information.

The Square One Healing Cancer Coaching Program was born out of Chris' own experience with cancer, plus 15+ years of research learning from doctors and experts, survivors who've healed naturally and from personally coaching hundreds of cancer patients one-on-one.

Chris has taken the best, evidence-based, holistic healing protocols and organized them into a simple, straightforward course.  Definitely worth your time!

Check it out here to sign up.

Next, Let's Win Pancreatic Cancer is offering a FREE webinar specifically for Pancreatic Cancer patients...

Let's Win Pancreatic Cancer is teaming up for a webinar to explain the relationship between risk factors and symptoms to shed some light on getting diagnosed as soon as possible.  Another worthwhile program to sign up for!

Breaking down barriers together to find a winning strategy in the fight to healing!

My Love,

Friday, September 29, 2023

Walking through Heartache...

 These past 2 months have been dogged by death.  We have sorrowed and mourned the passing of dear loved ones...

A nephew.

A brother.

A cousin.

A friend.

The sorrowing has been a dark trial and the walk has been hard.  Each death buried us a little deeper in pain. 

To be sure, grief has worn tracks on our heart this summer.

Their smiles shine from the pictures and leave us wanting more time with each one.  The love and friendship will not be replaced this side of heaven.  And that is something we mourn each day. 

There is no easy way to walk this road.  We will grieve and miss them the rest of our days.

We have found ourselves quieting in this season.  The loss feels too great.  Words can't touch the heartache.

And so, we rest on the only truth we know.  That God walks with us.  He catches our tears and holds us in our sorrow.  We do not grieve as those with no hope.  And that will be the light for our path when the way is dark.

Our great grief bears witness to a great love.
God knows our heart.

Remembering and Honoring these cherished men tonight.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Rise Up...

Beautiful words from a heart that knows sorrow...

Allison speaks hope into the grieving, when our worlds turn upended... is this how we saw our life playing out?  The hard, the hurt...the unwanted lines of our story?  

Read on and be encouraged.  God is with you, even as the battle rages...

"What if this really hard thing you're walking through is actually what’s needed? What if the waiting room you’re sitting in is where you need to be? What if that one crumbling, difficult relationship is actually the one you're supposed to pay attention to?

Without that thing, that room, that person, your life cannot become what God intends it to be.

Because you are more than your diagnosis. More than your grief. More than your inconveniences, your heart break, and your fears.

You are embodied Light, Goodness, and Mercy. And there is no place, no person, no thing where that Trinity is not needed. No place He will not go for you, for them.

Without the diagnosis, I would be no writer. Without a long form, living grief? I would have no dependence on Jesus. Without battle after battle, I would not bear light in broken places.

In the unwanted lines of this story, He is writing greater things. And not just for my good. But a greater story for His glory, in all places, for all people.

He is rewriting others’ stories because of you. Rise up. Gather heart and courage. Know that even as the battle rages, He is with you. And Jesus with you is greater than anything else we could acquire. Greater than any fabricated story book ending. He is greater and He is with you. Rise up."

So Rise up.  Gather heart and courage.  Your story is still being written and God has the pen.  I have a feeling there is a beautiful ending in store!

My Love, Always,

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Savor the Joys...

 Remembering Timothy Keller

Timothy Keller, beloved pastor, theologian and author passed away last month after a 3 year battle with pancreatic cancer.

His ministry, his life and his voice herald the joys of  learning to savor the moment, the gifts of time here in this place while standing firmly in the convictions of his faith.

He shared those convictions in a beautiful article several years ago in The Atlantic.  The article is aptly titled...

We mourn his passing, yet rejoice in a life so well lived.  There is a prayer that he shares to keep our eyes and our hearts focused on the One who loves us beyond reason and is our only Hope...

"And as I lay down in sleep and rose this morning only by your grace, keep me in the joyful, lively remembrance that whatever happens, I will someday know my final rising, because Jesus Christ lay down in death for me and rose for my justification."
~ Timothy Keller

Amen and Amen!

In Grace, Remembering a Life that touched so many,
My Love, Always,

Sunday, May 28, 2023

When God Grants a Miracle

 Maria Menounos has a story to tell...

Pancreatic Cancer Survivors are definitely Miracles!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

For Moms Everywhere...

 When the day is different than you thought it would be...

May your day bring peace and mercies in ways you never expected.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, the most deserving of all,

My Love,

Friday, April 28, 2023

Is He Worthy?

Beautiful... oh my soul... if we ever wondered what the church is all about.  It is not the building, nor the programs, nor the rituals.  The church - it is the body of Christ, coming together to worship the One who is always worthy.

Perfect Praise for this broken world!   Praise to the Lion of Judah, who conquered the grave!

Listen and be Blessed!

Do you feel the world is broken?
(We do)
Do you feel the shadows deepen?
(We do)
But do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from getting through?
(We do)
Do you wish that you could see it all made new?
(We do)
Is all creation groaning?
(It is)
Is a new creation coming?
(It is)
Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst?
(It is)
Is it good that we remind ourselves of this?
(It is)
Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory
Is He worthy of this?
He is
Does the Father truly love us?
(He does)
Does the Spirit move among us?
(He does)
And does Jesus, our Messiah hold forever those He loves?
(He does)
Does our God intend to dwell again with us?
(He does)
Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
From every people and tribe
Every nation and tongue
He has made us a kingdom and priests to God
To reign with the Son
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of this?
He is!
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?

He is! He is!

Lift your heart in praise, for He is Worthy!

Friday, April 7, 2023

A Day of Sorrows

We call today Good Friday.  A day where the sun's light failed in grief. 

Good Fridays are the darkest days of our faith journey... 

It's a time to remember that:

- Grapes must be crushed to make wine.
- Diamonds form under pressure.
- Olives are pressed to release oil.
- Seeds grow in darkness.

So, whenever you feel Crushed, Under Pressure, Pressed or in Darkness...

You're in a powerful place of transformation.  

Hold on to that hope, dear one, this pain will not last forever.  One day soon, His Glory will shine, and the darkness will give way to a glorious Light led by Love!

In that Blessed Hope,
Always, My Love,

Monday, March 27, 2023

Staying the Course...


We start by setting the course...

We succeed by staying the course.

This is truth in so many areas of our lives, but never so true as when faced with the formidable challenge of a cancer diagnosis.

Setting the course takes moments... Staying the course takes everything we have.

Praying tonight for each cancer warrior, for strength, for wisdom, for the perseverance to walk the road before them, and most of all, for love and support to help shoulder the load.

My Love, Always,

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

We're so close!

 Spring... It's almost here!  

Well, unless you're my aunt and you live in Wisconsin.  Then...

They are shoveling out from a nasty blizzard.  The long, cold days of winter are hanging on!

But Spring is surely right around the corner.  This week we pulled honey off our winter hives and spun out 115 lbs.  

 And in Texas that means Spring can't be far away!!  Come on blue skies, sunny days, and spring flowers...

We're ready!

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The State of the Union for Pancreatic Cancer in 2023

This post could have been titled "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly on Pancreatic Cancer in 2023."

Because that's exactly what the new statistics are revealing...

When mom was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2010, she was one of 43,000 Americans being diagnosed.

Today, the American Cancer Society finds that number on the rise... Over 64,000 men and women in America will be diagnosed with the disease this year.

That would be the Bad news.

Statistics also reveal that deaths from pancreatic cancer now outnumber deaths from breast cancer, and will likely exceed deaths from colorectal cancer soon, making it the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the US by 2030.

That is the Ugly.

So, please, may there be some Good news?!

According to a recent PanCan statement, the 5-year survival rate for Pancreatic Cancer has risen to 12%.  I know... that number seems paltry... hard to call it good.  But, 10 years ago, that survival rate was only 6%.  The increased survival rate this year means that more than 7,600 of those newly diagnosed will be winning the battle 5 years from now.  That is Good News.

And here's the thing... statistics don't tell the whole story.  Statistics cover overall population trends, not individual patient results.  Every person is unique and their cancer battle is personal.  And while cancer may not define you, it will change you.

It is why we tell our story... again and again.  It is why we listen.  Why we pray.  The passion that drives our search for a cure.  The hope that beats strong.

The belief that one day pancreatic cancer will only be a chapter in your life, not the whole story...

So in 2023, we continue the fight.  As the number of pancreatic cancer diagnoses rises, the fight becomes more urgent.

It's our prayer that no one ever fights alone.

Walking this journey out together... In Love tonight,

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Honest to Goodness Truth...

 Don't fall prey to the illusion of perfection.  Social Media will have you believing that everyone has it better, has it easier, has it all together.  Watching the picture-perfect reels of Instagram and Facebook feed the lie that we'll never measure up. 

When I saw this image, it spoke truth!

My motto today... progress not perfection!  We'll get there, we just need to stay in our lane and pursue the course set out before us.  Who knows?  We may be the example someone else desperately needs! 

Perfection is an illusion... Don't get caught up in the trap!

My Love,

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Clinical Trial Gives Hope

 Reesa Levy shares her story at PanCan and spreads Hope!

“I can’t believe it. Reesa, of all people…”

When Reesa Levy’s friends and family found out she had pancreatic cancer three years ago, this was a common response.

She was a vegetarian, worked out several times a week and never had health issues.

Perhaps those were some of the reasons her doctor had suspected something far less threatening when she came in with excruciating abdominal pain.

CT scan revealed appendicitis, so her doctor scheduled an appendectomy.

But when the pain didn’t go away after surgery, it was clear that something more was wrong.

“I was also tired and losing a lot of weight – 18 pounds – quickly,” Reesa said.

A subsequent scan revealed a mass on her pancreas, and though Reesa and her doctor were hopeful it was benign, a follow-up biopsy showed otherwise.

Her doctor delivered the news. “There are cancer cells on your pancreas,” he said matter-of-factly as she sat, stunned.

In control of her healthcare

Reesa is a take-charge person.

A retired New York City school principal, she was accustomed to managing the challenges that come with overseeing 2,500 high school students. But pancreatic cancer is a challenge no one can prepare for. Reesa was overwhelmed. Numb. Devastated.

Together, with her daughter and son now with her in Florida, they came up with a game plan: “You have to be in charge of your own healthcare.”

Just five days after the January 2018 diagnosis, Reesa flew  to St. Louis, where her daughter Ashley lives, for an appointment with a surgeon at Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, the teaching hospital for the Washington University School of Medicine.

Ashley had stepped in to handle the details of her mother’s treatment and care while Reesa tried to focus on the big picture – staying positive for a good outcome. She steered clear of the internet while Ashley dove in, learning about the latest pancreatic cancer research, clinical trialsspecialists and more.

It was Ashley who had found the surgeon, William Hawkins M.D., a pancreatic cancer specialist who would perform her distal pancreatectomy. She chose Dr. Hawkins because he had performed hundreds of these types of surgeries.

“I’m very grateful for my family’s help during this stressful time – making calls, asking questions, interviewing doctors, and getting appointments and second opinions,” Reesa said.

One week after her diagnosis, Reesa had laparoscopic surgery to remove the tail of her pancreas, part of her stomach and colon, and her spleen.

A clinical trial option

The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) strongly recommends clinical trials at diagnosis and during every treatment decision. PanCAN Patient Services can give you information about clinical trials and search for trials that meet your needs.

Even before surgery, Reesa’s doctor had spoken to her about all her treatment options, including clinical trials. “There’s something new you may want to consider,” he told her.

After six months of standard chemotherapy, Reesa was cancer-free and eligible to begin the immunotherapy clinical trial Dr. Hawkins had mentioned, which was studying a vaccine to treat the cancer.

Each person in the study had a different vaccine made from a sample of their own tumor tissue, to encourage the body to fight cancer with their own immune system.

Once a month for six months, the immunotherapy vaccine was administered, along with a small electrical current, into her arm. Reesa did well on the trial and still shows no signs of cancer today.

“My goddaughter, who is a doctor, suggested early on that I join any study I was offered,” Reesa said. “I’m a huge proponent of clinical trials and think all patients should consider one, both for themselves and for future patients. You’ll also get regular CT scans, bloodwork and constant monitoring by your healthcare team.

“I also encourage going to a teaching hospital, if you can. They’re usually on the cutting edge of research and treatment. The team that treated me was full of experts in pancreatic cancer.”

Contact PanCAN for help finding a specialist in your area.

“It really humbled me, all the people surrounding me to make me better.”

 Giving others the chance she had

Today Reesa is enjoying a volunteer role as Advocacy Chair for the Broward-Palm Beach (Fla.) Affiliate of PanCAN. She’s seen first-hand that the volunteering she does – encouraging her members of Congress to increase federal research funding for pancreatic cancer – is making a difference for her and other patients.

One specific way it’s hit home: the immunotherapy clinical trial Reesa participated in was funded by the National Cancer Institute.

She also participates in her local PanCAN PurpleStride and has raised more than $8,000 for PanCAN, money that will go toward funding patient programs and services like our Patient Services, our Clinical Trial Finder and our Precision PromiseSM clinical trial platform, as well as scientific research grants and government advocacy work.

The reason for her continued involvement with PanCAN is simple.

“I have to do something to help other people have the same chance that I’ve had,” she said.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

No Resolutions this Year!

 I'm learning that New Year's Resolutions are slightly over-rated.  

I love the fresh start of a new year.  I do!  The chance we have to make better choices.  The blank slate of a new calendar after the crazy sweet chaos of the weeks just past.


Resolutions always seem to set me up for failure. Maybe you feel it too?  Especially if your plate is filled with doctor appointments, cancer treatments and waiting on endless test results.  Some days it's all we can do to take the next step.  I know.

There's a longing for the simple things...

- getting outside and feeling the sun warm my skin
- taking time to watch the colors bloom at sunset
- breathing deep and long
- celebrating small victories each day
- spending time with the ones I love

This year let's choose to lead with grace and give ourselves the gift of presence!

Welcome 2023!  Let's see what beauty unfolds!

My Love,