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Monday, April 11, 2016

The Truth About Cancer

I don't know that I've ever done this...

Suggest you do something I have never done...

I've waffled for several days...

And because I want so badly to eradicate pancreatic cancer from the face of this earth, I am taking a chance on sharing with you a documentary, that I have never seen...

A documentary that is perhaps fantasy, perhaps true... definitely controversial...

Maybe we could do it together? Watch this documentary?  And decide if there is merit?  If there is truth?

It starts tomorrow.  It's called The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest.

It is free.  It is online.  It is a 9 part series.  You can register here for the link.

From reading reviews, I can honestly say that it peaks my curiousity, as well as feelings of caution.  In this cancer journey I know there are no magic pills, no secret formulas.  I've shared before the struggle many face in choosing between conventional treatments and alternative therapies.

This documentary takes an in-depth look at much of what our conventional/traditional medicine would call alternative.  Perhaps there is truth... perhaps there are more treatment options available to us than the 3 mainstays of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery... Perhaps??

And so, I will be watching the documentary with an open mind... and a cautious heart...

Here is a short you-tube video intro of the series:

Join in the documentary watching with me tomorrow, perhaps?  Or choose to disregard, perhaps?

I am so understanding of either choice.  I would never want to mislead, or give false hope.  The pancreatic cancer journey is difficult enough... I believe that it is crucial to be very present and passionate about our own cancer treatment and research is an integral part of this process.  We each must find the path to trust that works for us as we journey on.

The Truth About Cancer??  Perhaps in 9 days I will be able to give an honest review?

Yes... that I can do!

My Love,

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