Saturday, June 25, 2011

Stormy Seas

Quick medical update on mom: Doctor visit yesterday morning, blood work drawn, chemo given, vomiting has begun.
Didn't see that one coming. Was so hoping for a few more good days...however, to be fair, the nausea was already churning before the chemo was even given, so perhaps it was the swedish meatballs with noodles and gravy from the night before that sent her over the edge. At least it wasn't marinated vegetables!

We didn't get the results back on the blood work yet, but are anxious to see the tumor marker results. It's been almost 8 weeks since mom's last chemo treatment, and, of course, we fret that the cancer has taken this opportunity to frolic and play while the chemo's away.

Even with mom's queasy stomach, she didn't hesitate a minute when the doctor asked her if she was ready to begin the chemo today.

I so admire her courage and perseverance in facing this cancer head-on. No tears, no pity parties, just let's get on with it. So very proud of her grit.
And she will need that grit to keep pushing forward into the fray of her escalating weight loss. Today, the scale continued the downward slide. Weight is now at 109 lbs. And actually that is maybe up a few pounds since the gall bladder surgery when it briefly plunged to 104, but still the weight loss is an ever-challenging problem.  Her doctor has prescribed some medication to help with her appetite, however, he said it is only marginally successful in stimulating an appetite. It's called megace and it also aids in controlling nausea, so we are prayerfully hopeful that it will give mom some relief.
As we've shared before, it's not just a matter of getting mom to eat.  If only it were that easy! The cancer interferes with the pancreas' ability to produce digestive enzymes and without these enzymes, the food just doesn't get digested and absorbed well. Add on the subsequent pain from the tumor, and the nausea from treatment and, well, you have the perfect storm.

We covet your prayers on these matters. God's Hand can calm the storms in our lives, if we but ask.

Sailing on choppy waters tonight, but trusting in His grace to get through,

                                                                                               Love to all, Jane

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