Friday, June 17, 2011

The Ups and Downs of Marinated Vegetables

Question of the Day:  Should cancer patients eat marinated vegetables?

Well, if you're mom, and if you've just had gall bladder surgery while battling pancreatic cancer, then the answer is NO!

Now, I personally would never eat marinated vegetables to begin with.  I know, I me finicky, but chocolate is really more my thing.  However, mom has a great (according to everyone else who likes that kind of thing) recipe for marinated vegetables.  And she's been feeling pretty good these last couple of days, so she whipped up a batch and gave it a try on Wednesday.

First plate was excellent.  And it was such a small plate, that maybe another "small" plate wouldn't hurt.  Second plate was still delicious.  And after a relaxing nap, a third plate sounded good too.

Third time was not a charm...Everything that went down came back up.  It would appear that the law of gravity doesn't apply to stomach issues.

So, what have we learned?  If you're me, you learned that your instincts were right on the money - marinated vegetables are not to be trusted.  If you are anybody else, you might have learned that moderation is the key to finding your happy place.  Especially after gall bladder surgery.  Her surgeon was maybe on to something when he suggtested a low-fat diet for awhile.  Thinking the oil and vinegar marinade tipped the fat scale just a tad on the heavy side.

Good news, mom is feeling better.  Set backs we don't need, but glad it was just a minor one.  On another note, she made her fabulous Chicken Stir Fry earlier this week, and it settled well.  Her diet is definitely a balancing act for now.  Dad's just thrilled she's back in the kitchen!  He even ate the marinated vegetables!

And I'll raise my Hershey Bar to that!!   With Love, Jane

Marinated Vegetables

2/3 cup white vinegar, 2/3 cup salad oil,
1/4 cup chopped onion,
2 cloves garlic, minced,
1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. dried basil, crushed
1 tsp. dried oregano, crushed
8 oz. fresh mushrooms, halved
1 16oz. can whole baby carrots, drained
1 14oz. can artichock hearts, drained, halved
                                                       1 cup pitted ripe olives, halved,
                                                        1 cup celery, diced
                                                      1 20z. jar sliced pimiento, drained, chopped

In saucepan combine the
vinegar, oil, onion, garlic,
sugar, salt, pepper,
basil and oregano.
Bring to boiling.  Simmer,
uncovered 10 minutes.

In bowl combine remaining
ingredients.  Pour hot marinade
over vegetables, stir to coat.  Cover,
chill several hours, stirring
occasionally.  Drain vegetables
and serve in a lettuce lined bowl,
if desired. 
Makes 7 cups.

Bon Appetit!

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