Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Embracing Life to the Fullest


Mom and Dad left Monday for some serious R&R in Wendover, NV.

Most of their friends were aghast that they would even consider traveling in their conditions. One weakened from pancreatic cancer and the other wheezing from pneumonia.  Have to admit, I had a twinge or two of worry myself!

However, here is where the embracing life to the fullest part kicks in.  Mom and Dad have always loved to travel.  They've cruised the world and have enjoyed every minute.  One of the things that mom's cancer diagnosis has threatened to take away is that joyous gift of traveling. 

Mom was diagnosed in November of 2010.  We were already knee-deep into our daughter's destination wedding plans at that time and everything came to a screeching halt.  The wedding was planned for February 26, 2011 on the beautiful island of Cozumel.  The bride and groom plus 38 close family and friends would be boarding a cruise ship the Thursday before, arrive in Cozumel that Saturday and return home the following Monday.  An extended celebration to be sure.  This wedding was not for the faint at heart, nor for the sea-sick prone!   None of us were sure mom would be able to travel, and my daughter was devastated over her grandma's illness, trying to cancel plans and rearrange the wedding to be close to home so mom could attend.  Mom, however, would hear none of it.  She decided there was no way Katie should give up her dream wedding, and she was not going to miss the event, even if she had to be carried in (a recurring nightmare I suffered thru for many weeks...)  She talked with her oncologist who was immediately on board.  I believe his exact words were, We will make this happen.  And they did.  Mom was in the middle of radiation therapy and continuous 5-FU chemo in February, but the doctor arranged for the 5-day break, and actually made sure she had extra prescriptions for antibiotics, pain medications and anti-nausea meds before she left.  Is it any wonder we love him so?!

And the wedding was fabulous!  We never made the beach in Cozumel - that's a whole post in and of itself...  But the wedding went off without a hitch.  Made even more special because mom was there.

And here's mom with Katie, later that evening at the Gala Wedding Reception:

That wedding was a turning point of sorts for mom.  A light switched back on as she discovered that, Yes!  You can travel with cancer!  She arrived home with color in her cheeks and some added weight gain.  It's a fact, you can't go on a cruise without indulging!  The doctor decided that he should prescribe cruises to all his patients.  We agree!!

And so, with her doctor's blessing, mom has planned small trips here and there.  The latest is this trip to Wendover with Dad.  They arrived safely, albeit tired, and have thoroughly enjoyed the break.  Mostly resting, but also eating...

In this way, mom has chosen to embrace the life she has, rather than endure the tedium of wasting away in her living room.  It's a nice living room, but the 4 walls do start closing in after a while!  Exploring a new place is so much more fun...

Should the unthinkable happen, and one of them collapses or becomes seriously ill (more so than they are now), then we will deal with it.  For now, Mom and Dad are happy, content and hopefully in bed asleep! 

Praying for safe travels as they head home tomorrow.  Can't wait to hug their necks! 

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