Friday, July 1, 2011

Only One Seriously Ill Person at a Time, Please!

There's an abundance of medical news to report this week at mom and dad's place! First, just let me say, that everyone is doing "fine." But they have been keeping the doctors busy!
Starting with Dad. Wednesday he was diagnosed with pneumonia. Caught it early, started antibiotics and prednisone, but still he's been a tad under the weather. And also stubborn as a mule. Doctor told him to take it easy for at least a week, i.e. no work, stay home and rest. So, where would he be today? Yep, at work. For those that don't know, Dad works part-time as a chauffeur for the Gaylord Texan Resort.

We're not sure if he just really loves his job, or if he really just loves the tips! Irregardless, you can't keep a good man down. I am thinking, though, that the pneumonia might be doing some serious talking about now. Curious to see how he feels when he gets home this afternoon :) Tables are turned: Mom's now making chicken noodle soup for Dad and doling out meds!

Mom is actually doing fairly well! Hallelujah! Only one seriously ill person at a time please. She had her second Gemzar chemo treatment yesterday. And so far, so good. Of course, her blood work is getting rocky. We expect that. The platelets and red and white blood cells are starting their slow decline, but are still in the okay range for now. The dreaded tumor marker, unfortunately, has gone way up. We expected that too, but had hoped for better news. The gallbladder fieldtrip took her away from the chemo for almost 2 months. The cancer saw an opportunity and took advantage. The marker is at 630. Up from 118 in May. The doctor wasn't overly concerned at this point. She has responded well to the Gemzar in the past, and he expects that number will go down as the chemo does its job. Praying this is true.

We are concerned with the swelling in her left leg. It comes and goes, but never completely goes away. We're beginning to think that the cancer is somehow interferring with the lymph drainage in that leg. Elevating it does help some. But you can't spend all day with your leg propped up in the recliner! (Does sound tempting though.)

On another front, Mom's appetite continues to hold steady. Yea! Prayers answered. She was even able to snarf down dessert from Mimi's Cafe during chemo yesterday! Marked improvement! How can you go wrong with the dessert sampler? A little apple crisp, some brownie drizzled with caramel and their famous bread pudding with rum sauce! Yum!! Our little corner of the chemo lab was infused with happiness!

That little boost from the rum sauce (just kidding, I'm sure they cooked it all out....right?) was exactly what we needed for the trip we took after chemotherapy. We headed over for a visit to Bluebonnet Hills yesterday afternoon. And that's actually a whole other post for a whole other day! I'm thinking that Bluebonnet Hills isn't exactly what you're thinking it is. So tune in tomorrow, for all the details...

Love you all to pieces, Jane

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