Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ruffled Feathers

Fox Update: As of this morning we have captured 16 raccoons and 1 duck. Not 1 fox.  Something's wrong with this picture!  This is what greeted me this morning.

Duck-Duck. Our less than happy muscovey duck. And boy were his feathers ruffled. Duck-Duck is older-than-time and equally as grumpy. He can't quack, but always tries. Sounds like a squeaky tea kettle hissing or a gas pipe leak, neither of which is pleasant. He waddles around the farmyard keeping everyone in line by either pecking them if they are in reach or taking a flying jump and flogging them with his wings (ask Kelli, she's had experience with this offensive tactic...).

Perhaps you can't tell from the picture, but Duck-Duck is giving me the evil eye. I debated taking him on a drive to Deep Creek, but then came to my senses.  He is a fixture on the farm. For all we know, he may the reason the fox keeps to the boundary line! It's not wise to cross Duck-Duck!

Update on Mom: Trip to Wendover last week was a wonderful mini-vacation. Yes, she got tired, and yes, her feet ballooned up like melons, but the diversion, the fun, the sightseeing, and the meals more than made up for those minor inconveniences.

They got home last Thursday and we made a run to the chemo lab on Friday. It was her week off from the Gemzar, but Dr. Davis had her slated for fluids, steriods and anti-nausea meds in the off week. While we were there the chemo nurse and the P.A. took another look at her swollen feet and ankles, and advised her to make a follow-up appointment with her family doctor. He was the one who saw her first for the swelling 2 weeks ago and put her on antibiotics. So, yesterday she went back to Dr. Maxwell and they x-rayed the foot, suspecting perhaps a stress fracture. Negative on that count, so now we've ruled out cellulitis, blood clots and broken bones. Hmm...Begininng to suspect that the Gemzar treatment is the culprit.

We'll be talking with Dr. Davis this Thursday when she goes in for her weekly appointment.

Until then, she's reclining like a queen with her feet up on pillows. I think maybe Dad is feeding her grapes and keeping her cool by fanning her. Oh, wait...that would be Dad with a glass of wine turning up the a/c because it's running all the time! Well, at least I know mom has her feet up.

Here's to finding our ankle bones, cool summer breezes and out-foxing foxes,

Love to each, Jane

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