Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Too Hot in Texas!

Mom's been running like the Energizer Bunny this past week, and I think she finally hit the wall on Sunday! But before that, she enjoyed a great dinner out Saturday night at the Trail Dust Steakhouse with Steve.

Couldn't get her out on the dance floor, but watching the boot-scootin' sure was fun!

And unfortunately, she's been paying for all the fun now.  The first part of this week have been spent recuperating. Appetite's waned, fatigue has taken hold, and the chemo-crappies have set in. Thankfully, she can snuggle in on the couch with a good book, pillows for her feet and nap whenever the mood strikes. It's hard to imagine how people deal with cancer and these treatments, and still hold down a job or raise a family. And we know there are many brave and courageous cancer survivors who have done just that. Our hats are off in your honor. It takes a massive amount of energy to battle this disease. And to keep going when your body is so wrung out. True heroes. My paltry woes pale in comparison.

Praying that mom's strength returns in the very near future. Chemo #2 in this cycle is tomorrow. I think the heat wave may break by then - forecast predicts a high of only 100!  Yesterday, our outdoor thermometer hit 106.   A friend told us that it was so hot...How hot was it, we asked?  It was so hot that all the grasshoppers were sticking to the shady side of the fence post. We laughed and then we looked. She was right! Every fence post had dozens of grasshoppers clinging to the shady side!   I just had to get a picture of that!

Turns out that I'm not a very good grasshopper photographer!  Every time I got within 20 feet of the fenceposts, the grasshoppers' antenna swiveled in my direction, and they all went into panic mode, leaping to the four winds.  I must have sounded like the proverbial stampeding elephant to their sensitive ears.

But all's not lost.  Leroy, as it turns out, is a very good grasshopper stalker.  He captured these photos for me when he got home from work.

It may be hard to see the hoppers, but they're there on the shady side of the t-post!  Now, how strange is that?!  Tell me, does this only happen in Texas, or what?

As you can tell by the photos, the pasture and ground around here is parched.  And it's only July!  August is knocking on our door.  Texas is in the midst of an extremely severe drought.  While we may laugh at the oddities of grasshoppers, the truth is that farmers, livestock and neighbors are hurting.  Today marks the 26th consecutive day of triple digit heat in the north Texas area.  That's hot!  I don't care if it's dry heat or not, it's just hot!

Saying our prayers for mom, for rain and for healing.  To all in the heat wave zone: Stay cool, drink plenty of water and keep your mouth closed (flying grasshoppers are everywhere)!

 Love ya, Jane

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