Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cat in the Trap

I know you've probably all been hoping (praying) that Jane's trapping days were over, but I'm afraid the saga continues. To be sure, we have given the trap a rest for the past month. Little things like hospital stays and vacation days put a kink in our trap-setting ways. But two days ago as Leroy was leaving for work in the pre-dawn hours, he opened the back door and "surprised" 3 racoons on the back porch.

Those coons were getting just a little too cozy for my peace of mind. So out came the trap. And we promptly caught the neighborhood stray cat.

He was not a happy camper. I wasn't either. He looked a little possessed with his yellow eyes gleaming and tail twitching, and then he began drooling something awful, so to the vet we go (rabies did fleetingly cross my mind...)

But, never fear, the story has a happy ending. Turns out our little stray had a prickly grass burr embedded in the back of his tongue.

Ouch, Big time!

And since they already had him sedated, I waved a generous hand and said "Give him the works!" He was tested, vaccinated and neutered all in the span of 20 minutes. As the vet loaded him back in the crate, she laughed and said the minute we release him we'll probably never see him again. But surprise... he hasn't left our back porch! Seems he does appreciate a helping hand! And the bowl of cat food by the back door....

And mom does too - appreciate the helping hand that is... She has been showered with well wishes, prayers, cards and meals (Lisa and Pat, kudos) these past weeks. Thank you, thank you. We are always so humbled by the generosity of spirit, and the sweet out-pouring of love and affection. It truly keeps her going when her body just wants to give up.
Somewhere I heard a quote that says "No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it." You are that inspired orchestra playing beautiful music just for mom. Our gratitude knows no bounds. Thank you...

Showered in Grace, Jane

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