Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fannie Mae to the Rescue

Today was Round #2 in this Gemzar chemo cycle.
Mom started the day a little green around the gills and lost her breakfast before we even got to chemo. However, a little steroids, a little Kytril (anti-nausea wonder drug) and some Gemzar seems to have turned the tide.

This evening she polished off a delicous Italian Sausage Sub Sandwich prepared by Dad, what a chef! And then had a delectable Fannie Mae Truffle for Dessert, compliments of Ruth and Manny, thoughtfulness drenched in yumminess.

Now that's a way to turn the day around!


  1. Hello Jane! What a beautiful blog! My mom discovered your blog yesterday and we're amazed with the way you talk about this life experience! My dad is on chemo against pancreatic cancer and your words has given us peace and strength. Thanks for share! [Wilson]

  2. Dear Alexandre,
    Thank you for your kind words. And please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your dad and your whole family. This cancer is indeed relentless, but the choice to live life as fully connected as we can makes it somehow bearable. And a little chocolate now and then helps :)
    Most Sincerely, Jane
