Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Vacation Wanderings

Vacations are meant to be enjoyed.  But this one was tinged with worry as mom's health teetered on fragile.  The balance swayed from day to day, and more than once we were ready to turn around and head home.  Thankfully, both our vacation and mom's hospital stay were "successful" and they both ended with the sweet, satisfying drive home.

Our vacation took us through 5 states, multiple temperature changes and dozens of family hugs.  And it all began with Leroy's family reunion in central Illinois, over Labor Day weekend:

And, of course, the requisite picture of the youngest and oldest!  Grandma Jean and Baby Reagan:

And while we were visiting, laughing, munching and playing in Illinois, my brother was taking mom back to the hospital in Texas.  Her nausea and vomiting had reached epic proportions Saturday morning, culminating in a serious esophageal tear and copious amounts of projectile, bloody vomit.  The news had us packing.  But Dad wanted us to wait until the doctor had performed the EGD, and so we waited.  And worried.  And attempted to continue our visit.  So hard to do when your heart is sick with fear.  I think for the first time in my life I began to understand Christ's admonition, "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28.  We were 900 miles away from home, all we could do was take our burden to Christ and rest in Him.  And He did give us rest.

We traveled upstate to my Aunt's place near the Chain O' Lakes in Wisconsin, and wandered in her beautiful woodland forest, praying, seeking and allowing the peace to settle over us:

We rested on ageless boulders of silvered granite trusting in His promises:

And drank in pleasure at the sight of His Handiwork in her overflowing gardens:

By Tuesday, mom was stabilizing, and we knew the worst was behind us.  As she sipped her clear, liquid hospital diet, we celebrated with a trip to the local Dairy Queen for Blizzards with Aunt Di:

And then spent a lazy afternoon on the lake with good friends:

A sweet ending to a stressful vacation.  When we arrived home, we found mom resting comfortably in her favorite chair, smiling,

She has never looked more beautiful to us!

May our vacation never be frought with such worry ever again!  This wanderer is extremely grateful to be home....

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