Monday, October 31, 2011

Balancing Act

Well, it's Monday. And we haven't had to call the doctor...yet. Mom's abdominal pain isn't worse, and maybe it's just a tad better, but definitely still a problem. Mom thinks the increased dose of Nexium may be helping. We have our fingers and toes crossed :-)

She is still eating fairly well, but when the pain hits, she says it is like a burning spasm under her rib cage. Not fun. She's been having to take quite a bit of break-through pain medication just to stay comfortable. We covet your prayers for this nagging discomfort.

I think that is probably one of our biggest concerns as we face this terminal illness head-on. Balancing physical comfort with aggressive treatment. And it is a balancing act. We have the toxic Gemzar on board to go after the cancer, and then we also have the Nexium, the marinol, the steroids, the morphine and the vicodin on board to counteract the harrowing effects of the chemo. Balance.

It's all Balance. And when we get the balance right, it's a good day! Praying for wisdom and grace to walk that tightrope well.

Love you all, Jane

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