Sunday, October 16, 2011

Beautiful Music

Mom and I looking sharp for the opening weekend of the Ft. Worth Symphony's POP series. We spent the afternoon at beautiful Bass Performance Hall in Ft. Worth enjoying some fabulous music.

Mom's still rather weak and the stairs proved to be a work-out, but she was determined to attend, sans wheelchair or walker. She did agree to taking the portable oxygen (thank you Lord). Once we got to our seats, we breathed a sigh of relief and let the excitement begin to build as the musicians tuned their instruments and the lights dimmed...

Every year for the past 5 years, we have had season tickets to this Symphony series, and it was so very important for mom to be there today.  I think she had thrown down the gauntlet to her body and said shape up, we're going, end of discussion.  And thankfully the new regimen of meds has really helped with the nausea and vomiting this past week! Praises for the marinol (marijuana derivative) and steroids. Great combination if we do say so!  Her improved well-being made the symphony that much more do-able.  It was a challenge met head on with a smile and mom's dogged "don't mess with me" attitude.  I can honestly say she enjoyed every minute right to the last curtain call.
We are slightly concerned about some deepening pain under her rib cage, but so far the break-through pain meds have been keeping it under control. Mom concentrates on the positives, like not throwing up once in a whole week. That's breaking news around here! Of the Hallalelujah kind!

Also happy to report that Dad is feeling much better. He was out today cataloging an impressive array of fishing equipment. I think he's looking forward to their upcoming vacation on Lake Texoma in a couple of weeks... Watch out all you little fish families, the hunter is coming. And he doesn't do catch and release. I guess maybe I get all my amazing trapping skills from Dad, and my compassionate sensitivity from Mom. Huh.... You never know just exactly what your kids are gonna pick up. Those pesky racoons are soooo lucky I had such great parents!

Praying your weekend has been filled with beautiful music of the happy kind. My Love, Jane

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