Monday, October 3, 2011

Food, Glorious Food!

That would be the theme of this past weekend! Mom felt better than we can remember in recent weeks. What a gift. She received it with gratitude! And ate what she could to make up for lost time. What's that saying, you gotta make hay while the sun shines?! Sun was shining for a brief time and it felt good.

Let's see, there was the delicious seafood pasta,

 the yummy pumpkin bread,

 and the hearty meatloaf and mashed potato extravaganza.

Thank you to Ruth, Ann and Pat. Your meals were love wrapped up in calories!

Mom even felt well enough this weekend to grab an afternoon matinee with friends. They went to see the movie Contagion. Hello, haven't we had enough medical drama?!! I do believe she thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon out. And Saturday she laughed and ate with friends at a neighborhood soup-tasting social. There's nothing like being cooped up at home for weeks on end to give you a whole, new appreciation for everyday simple joys.

As the sun was sinking tonight, the old, familiar queaziness was making its return. Praying that its stay is brief and minimal. Perhaps Dr. Davis could order a continuous infusion of steroids and Kytril ;-) I don't think mom would look too bad bulked up a bit!

Thanking God for answered prayer, forever friends, and good days, My Love, Jane

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