Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Finding our Footing

one small step at a time...

The grief swamps then ebbs, often and erratically for each of us.  But, mom's joy and laughter lingers in all the memories that spill from our lips.  There will be much to share in the weeks to come.  Her last week was not without sublime moments, and I am in awe of the power of life we each hold on to.  The providential working of God's tender mercies still renders me speechless.  As He gives words, I will share...

I am also completely undone by the many who have offered up their thoughts and prayers, of hope, of encouragement, of solidarity.  Thank you each one.  Never doubt that your words were read and always came at just the right moment, blessing our hearts, providing a sure place for that next step.

If there is one thing we have learned on this journey, it is that we are not alone.  Nor are we the only ones who have experienced such grievous loss.  So many have been down this road with pancreatic cancer.  For us it is now very, very personal.  We will walk the path of grief because we must, but it will never be without the light of mom's love.

Just yesterday, we received a beautiful card from the Hospice nurses who cared for mom during her last hours.  Their personal notes touched our hearts, and I want to share the poem they included.  It has no author, so I am not sure if it is written by their own hand or simply an anonymous author, but it's message met our need:

Experience has taught me that to share is to heal.
Grief and pain are the price we humans pay for the love and total commitment we have for another person.
The more we love, the greater the pain.  But, would we have it any other way?
Memories are a gift from God to those left behind.
They bring comfort, joy and laughter. 
They enable one to live on forever in the hearts of those they loved.

Mom is indeed living on in the hearts of those she loved.  We are all the more blessed because of it.


  1. "Forever in the hearts of those they loved". Truer words were never spoken. Sometimes a walk, quiet time alone or just simple everyday events cause me to reflect and remember those that I've loved and lost...and it used to make me sad. However, as time has passed the sadness has diminished and my thoughts are more frequently allowing me to smile as the happy memories are shining more clearly with each passing day. You continue to be in my prayers as I wish you good thoughts and happy memories.

  2. Hi Jane....
    Today marked a month since my hubby went to heaven. It has been a very difficult road. I keep telling myself 'baby steps' but I seem to take 'giant ones' backwards! I think of you often & say a special prayer for you & your family!! To deal with this in the middle of the Christmas season has been tremendously hard!!! I miss him so terribly bad!! But I too have that HOPE & realize he has begun living a wonderful life!! I bet he has found your mom to give her a hug!! He was that way! The BEST bear hugs ever!!!! Love & hugs to you!!! Trisha Klopp from Oregon
