Weeks of a searing sun and the accompanying super-heated winds caused havoc on the land, parching even the deepest of tanks. We were not sparred the trial.
This is our tank mid-August, 2011. Heartbreakingly dry. Praying for relief and the soaking, life-giving rains.
Fast forward to the winter rains of this past week! Not just a sprinkle, nor a soft spring rain. This was a flood of biblical proportions. Well, almost! 5 inches in less than 2 days. There is now water overflowing!
Often the trials of our lives parch the very soul. It's so easy to become brittle and dry in the fire-storm. May the winter rains of peace soothe the scorched hurts of the trials you bear, bringing relief you never expected. A blessing overflowing...
Thank you for your words...it has been a tough week for me as we await the upcoming series of tests that will reveal any changes after the 28 days of radiation and weekly chemo. My sister is still in denial and I feel smothered by anticipatory grief. I continue to be comforted and blessed by your words shared.