Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gardens and Girlfriends

The best remedy for those who are afraid,
lonely or unhappy is to go outside,
somewhere where they can be quiet,
 alone with the heavens, nature and God.
Because only then does one feel that all
 is as it should be and that God wishes to
see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.
                                         ~ Anne Frank

Spring...  Is there anything more enchanting?  Life all around takes on an energy, a luminescence that is breathtaking.  And my spirit responds in kind.  Satin petals grace even the most barren of sod and the birds return to charm our senses.  At each turn there is something more enticing.  A bloom to dazzle, a dappled ray of sun, the murmur of water, the fragrance of a thousand roses, a tiny horned toad scurrying ahead.  Laughter bubbles from deep, and joy spills.

Today was a day made just for this touch of nature at her most becoming.  A day made perfect with friends at their most lovely...

Join me for a walk through Clark Gardens in Weatherford, Texas...

Garden Girlfriends sharing Joy in their Love of all things Blooming!

Bluebonnets and Irises Abound!

Azaleas and Poppies Delight

PinkBonnets tease the Bluebonnets

Texas Horned Toad playing Hide and Seek

A Sea of Poppies

Sweet Contemplation
Balm to the Soul

Artistry of the Master

Can I doubt His Hand when I behold such Beauty?
Awestruck to believe the Creator of such Magnificance loves me Always and Forever.

He touches my Heart this day with longing, for this is just a glimpse of the Glories awaiting...

Enchanted by Grace, Jane

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