Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The March of the Turtles

Spring brings out all sorts of things here on the farm.  Flowers and Bees, Hummers and Weeds.  But this week we've had the pleasure of watching the March of the Red-Ear Sliders!

There was this cute fellow in our driveway:

And then this little lost one up by the barn:

Each one looking for just the right spot to set up house-keeping!  Generally they make it to one of our two ponds.  But sometimes they get a little directionally challenged!  With a little help from a happy Goat Herder and two curious canines, these wayward Sliders made it safely to their destination!

But then I noticed the turtles leaving that lovely pond, crossing our country drive, and making tracks for the other pond, equally lovely, I might add:

A very determined Slider at work here.  The turtle crossing took approximately half an hour.  Of course, he took a snooze along the way, soaking in the sun's rays.  And he was somewhat photo-shy, closing up tight whenever I got near, but eventually he arrived and slunk into the leafy water with bliss:

And so it goes with the Turtle March.  Their inner clock tells them to get moving, and they do!

Sometimes they get lost and end up in a barnyard...

Sometimes they need a little help from their friends, and even if they don't seem to be appreciative, they really are (turtle smile)...

And sometimes, no matter what their mama told them, life looks "greener" on the other side of the road...

And then, sometimes they just have to stop and bask in the sun...

And sometimes they get it right, albeit, rather slowly, and find their perfect piece of Paradise!  Today I've decided there's nothing wrong with taking life slow, and I'm finding a delightful measure of Peace and Joy in the endeavor!

May your day gentle into Slow and give you time to soak up the Beauty all around...

Grace for the Moment, Jane


  1. I just can't resist adding my turtle story. Yesterday evening, as I entered the turn lane on the busy street leading to my subdivision, there was this strange looking creature ahead of me. It turned out to be a huge snapping turtle. I hurried home, asked hubby if he would help me rescue a turtle, and he grabbed a bucket and work gloves. Back we went to the busy intersection where the turtle was stuck against the curb which he could not climb. Hubby picked him up, slid him into the 5 gallon bucket which he barely fit into, and relocated him back to the grassy/ravine area he had traveled from. Hubby is my hero! I must also add that I love your blog, I found it when I was searching for pancreatic cancer info several months ago. I have commented before. My father-in-law died of pancreatic cancer three weeks ago. The family was all around him, at his home, when he died. It was a holy moment. Thanks for your kindness, your insight, and your understanding that your blog captures! Take care and 'happy turtle watching!'

  2. Dear Linda,
    I love Happy turtle stories, and you and your Hubby are Heroes both! You blessed my day with your story :)
    Please accept my deepest sympathy over the loss of your father-in-law. There are no words to express the ache in our hearts over the havoc this cancer wreaks. But I sense a peace and grace in your loss. You said it beautifully, 'it was a holy moment.' May you continue to find grace abounding for each moment to come.
    You and your family are so very much in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your heart. It blessed mine, Jane

  3. Thanks Jane. I really appreciate your kind words.

    Take Care.

