Friday, November 16, 2012

Unsung Heroes

care-giv-er, n.  (kar'giv'er) : 
         a person who provides direct care (as for children, elderly people, or the chronically ill)
If you are caring for a loved one with pancreatic cancer, then, by definition, you are a caregiver... And I'm willing to hazard a guess that you could re-write the definition in a million different ways!  Perhaps Mr. Webster would like to interview a few pancreatic cancer so-journers and their heroic caregivers...
Dad and I shared in the caregiver journey for mom as she battled pancreatic cancer.  And yes, technically, we provided direct care for her.  But, oh, it was so much more.
A labor of love and pain, grief and loss, joy and honor.
The emotions swirled constantly as we struggled to maintain a level of normalcy for her around the house, keeping her comfortable, meeting her needs, both physically and emotionally, as well as dealing with a diagnosis that left our heads reeling.  As the cancer progressed, we gradually began to do more and more for her...the cancer winnowing her strength to but frail, as our hearts wailed over the cruelty of this disease.
Maybe there are no words to define the role of caregiver in such situations.  It is all-encompassing, and in too many cases all-overwhelming... two cases of caregiving could ever be the same, for the experience is unpredictable, complicated and ever-changing.
...the ministry of a caregiver offers a "rubber-meets-the-road" chance to be Love in Action.  Will there be Grief?  Will there be Tears?  Will there be Guilt?  Will there be Exhaustion?  Yes, in spades...
But there will also be more than enough Love Shared, Gratitude Smiled, Joy Sunk Soul-Deep to cover the pain.  Being a caregiver is possibly one of the most life-affirming gifts you can offer your loved one.  And in so doing you may just find the road to Healing the Hurting Heart...there is no prescription better than to give of oneself.  Even if no one ever thanks you...
Choose this day to offer yourself whole-heartedly. Don't give up.  Don't ever doubt that your work, your ministry is making a difference to the one you love.  A Gentle Touch, a Servant Heart, and a Love that honors the struggle.   As a CareGiver you have the choice to
Become the Gift...
You are my Unsung Heroes and I love what you are doing to Bless your Loved Ones,
Graced today by the Many, Many Walking Should-to-Shoulder together on this
Pancreatic Cancer Journey

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