Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Would you believe?

Oh. My. Goodness...
Our stable was rejoicing today with the sound of baby bleats in triplicate!  Fuzzy heads crowned with white stars all three...curious noses of black...and a trio of happy wagging tails...
A Thanksgiving Gift for this Still-Tender Heart...
Tomorrow beckons with turkey and pie, laughter and hugs, football games and afternoon hikes.  Mom would have loved every minute...
Choosing Gratitude has been a lesson in perseverance. Making that deliberate choice to see goodness despite the grief has been a work in progress... I started small..
Autumn Leaves tinting landscape with brilliance...
Cats sunning lazy in pool of afternoon sun...
Smoky rich smell of logs crackling in woodstove...
Then realized the Gratitude fell easier as I practiced.
Farm truck tires crunching in the gravel as we Sunday drove...
Giggles of granddaughters playing ageless game of tickle-me...
Chili-making with Husband-chef, kitchen warmth, melting heart...
Each moment captured from a God-Father who showers endless Good Gifts if we but look up from the grief valley.  And then,
You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance;
you have taken away my sorrow
and surrounded me with joy.
So I will not be silent;
I will sing praise to you.
LORD, you are my God;
I will give you thanks forever.
                        ~Psalm 30:11-12
Small, babies of fluff, touch my hand, open my heart, surround me with joy. Times three!  With mom's chair empty this year, I was dreading waking up in the morning to this first Thanksgiving without her.  Somewhere today, amidst all the snuggling and baby goat bouncing, I realized that Gratitude was simply spilling over.
Mom would have rejoiced with us over our Bounty.  And tomorrow the Thanksgiving festivities will end up in the stable at some point without doubt...Mom won't be there with us, but...we will still feel her presence.  She no longer speaks, but when I close my eyes and wait, my heart hears her laugh...
Gratitude follows Grace...And here on the farm we have been Graced with Abundance.  How can the soul not honor such mercies with a Heart full of Thanksgiving?
May your Thanksgiving, dear ones, be Blessed with Goodness and Grace
Touches of God's Love in Brilliant Display
and Hearts full of Gratitude for the Mercies Tenderly Bestowed,
All My Love,

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