Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Dolphin Escort...

Mom's memorial cruise began with the most graceful of gifts...

A playful dolphin frolicking in the muddy waters of Galveston port!
She brought smiles to the 4 intrepid travelers:
Jordan, Katie, Me and Dad...
The wonderment continued as we settled in to our staterooms
and began to let the cares of the world slip away.
A cruise vacation that mom would have loved...
We ate.  A lot!
We relaxed and watched the shows...
we explored the tropical ports of call...
We played with tigers!
We indulged in a Beach-side massage.  Ahhhh.....
And on tuesday, December 4th, we honored mom's memory...
at sunset we stood at the bow, endless blue above and below.
We released her with tears and sighs
and felt her spirit dance on the waves...
there was pain and grief as memories flooded,
but also joy and freedom as we realized the grief was softened...
her love wrapped our hearts,
not with the tearing hurt of first loss,
but of hopeful new beginnings with her blessing.
And in a surprising, touching end to the day, Dad bought a
beautiful painting at the ship's art auction...
the painting was aptly named
"Close to my Heart"
She is and always will be...Close to our Hearts.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
And then we arrived at the Wedding Beach!!!
What a delightful way to finish out this memorial cruise.
Katie and Jordan had a blast roaming the beach, playing in the surf
and relishing the absolute peace of this tiny bit of tropical paradise!
We arrived back home refreshed and at peace.
Tropical trade winds, soft and warm,
brought the healing caress of memories,
soothing to the mind's eye
and sweet to the much loved heart...
In Grace Renewed, Jane

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