Saturday, December 15, 2012

How do you bear the unbearable?

Suitcases barely unpacked...

Dogs beat happy welcome tatoo against our legs, begging with wet noses and urgent whimpers -- so glad you are home...

Goats bleat hungry and Daisy Donkey brays hurry!

And in the midst of such happy...
Horror interupts in Breaking News
Small town, unspeakable violence...
Such Innocence, blond curls, shy smiles
somebodies babies...
Time stands still,
we are rooted to the horrifying images on the small screen.
Lives torn apart by unbearable tragedy.
Tears spill unheeded
as hearts break for families we do not even know.
But the grief, unimaginable...
How does a person bear it?
There is no answer for the empty arms, the mamas crying for their baby, the daddies longing to swing their little one up in the air one more time.  The Christmas packages wrapped in ribbon and bows waiting to bring delight to a child who will never open them.  The grandmama and grandpas who live too far away, hearing the news sobbed over the phone...there is no answer...
And yet, there is One who knows that kind of Grief..
"He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and well-acquainted with grief..."
                                                                               Isaiah 53:3
He was there in the midst of that Horror
with the trembling teachers who
faced Evil to protect the Innocent...
He was there in the closets
and in the corners
as precious children learned the taste of fear
but were Held safe...
He will be there with the
mothers and the fathers
the sisters and brothers
the families and friends
as they begin a Journey of Unbearable Grief...
He knows that kind of Grief.
He will bear it
He asks only that we let Him...
Taking our Soul-Sick Hearts to the very Throne of Grace this night.
Lord hold the Families Close,
May your Mercies be ever Strong,
reaching the deepest place of their Grief
and giving sweet Peace and Relief
in their greatest Time of Need.
Bowed in Hope...

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