Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why do you get married?

62 years...
How do you make it work?  Some would ask Why do you make it work???

My beautiful parents-in-law, 62 years ago.

Time and marriage have a way of adding a few things...

Children and Growing Up
Daughter-in-laws and Opening Arms
Grandchildren and Laughter
Wrinkles out of nowhere
Pounds around the middle
Gray Hair on top
and No Hair for Pop :)
Love Multiplied
Heartaches Unavoidable...

And through it all, one thing remains constant.

The Two Shall be One...

Here on their 50th Wedding Anniversary,
and then Today, still together, going on 62 years Together!

Their marriage has survived miscarriage, military separations, moves, the death of a son, and now the advent of illness and the frailty of aging years...

The constancy of their marriage is like a welcoming light in the window beckoning you home.
It is a journey of faith and commitment and love.

From the first blush of young love to the cherished patina from decades of lived-out love ...

"We need a witness to our lives.  There's a billion people
on the planet...I mean, what does any one life really mean?
But in marriage, you're promising to care about everything.
The good things, the bad things, the terrible things,
the mundane things...all of it, all of the time, every day.
You're saying, 'Your life will not go unnoticed because
I will notice it.  Your life will not go un-witnessed
because I will be your witness'."
                       ~ Beverly Clark, Shall We Dance, 2004

For me, that is Legacy Living at it's finest.  To honor another with your heart, your words, your time, and your faithfulness.  It is leaving a Legacy that will outlast your life.  Their example has left indelible impressions upon each one of us as we too are witness to the enduring commitment of vows spoken some 62 years ago...

For Better, For Worse

In Sickness, In Health...

Marriage isn't for the faint of heart.  The commitment part takes discipline and time.  For isn't Perseverance simply a long obedience in the same direction?

The power of such a covenant is profound, and we are the joyful recipients of these sacred vows.  How blessed we are to be raised up and sheltered under the circle of their love...

Love you always Grandpa Don and Grandma Millie... This Daughter-in-law can't begin to express her love and gratitude for you both... How did I ever get so lucky?!

Graced Forever to be Grafted into your Story,  Always Yours, Jane 


  1. What a lovely couple and lovely tribute to their love. Thanks for sharing. Their 62 years is an inspirationto keep adding to my current 27 wedded years! :)

  2. So true... The torch born from vows kept lights the way for all of us! Many blessings on your 27 years and may you find the journey growing sweeter with each passing year!
