Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Puffballs of Spring

You know Spring has arrived when you walk into the local feedstore and see water troughs filled with yellow balls of fluff!

The minute I opened the door I knew they had might have been the smell of pine chips, or the soft churrring of hundreds of little chicks peeping, or maybe it was the glow of the heat lamps...But I wasn't the only one drawn to the "Puffballs!"
They just pull you in and wrap it up with adorable!  There were yellow ones and cream ones and black ones and striped ones... scurrying and peeping and fluttering their downy puff in an irrististable show. Tubs and tubs of baby cuteness!
Who can resist???
And so, it happened that I may have come home with more than just the feed and hay on my list...

Ok, maybe I couldn't pick just one... I kind of brought home 6.
And they are simply too precious.
Farmer husband says they'll make good fryers one day...
I covered their ears and told them not to worry.
Each one promised to lay a bounty of eggs and eat all the bugs in the garden.
So, they are happily cozied up in the wash room right next to the dryer.
Because even though it is officially Spring,
the weatherman has put out freeze warnings...
for Texas!  In May!!!
That's just plum wrong!
But the Spring Puffballs in my laundry room don't seem to mind!
May your weekend be filled with the sweet wonder of new life,
wrapping your heart in the downy softness of precious hope...
The Puffballs of Spring have arrived.
Blessings and Joy,
                Always, Jane

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