Thursday, September 19, 2013

51 Ways

When life's storms bow us low...and we say that this is NOT the life I ordered...what can we do as the weight of the sorrow, the panic and the pain bends our knees?

Bow low...Bend the knee...Weep the hurt....Seek His Face....Pray

Prayer.  A Life Line... to the sinking, the ones crushed under the weight of Life's Journey.
It is what came first for us when mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Prayer.  Agonizing, Weeping, Wordless Prayers... and we knew our Creator heard, for...
"God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along.  If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter.  He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.  He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God.  That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good."
                                        Romans 8:26  The Message
And I am not a theologian.  Nor a Bible scholar.  But I believe.
I believe in a God who loves me at my darkest. (Romans 5:8)
I believe in a God who summons me by name. (Isaiah 45:3)
I believe in a God who loves me so much (John 3:16) that He sees my tears (Psalm 56:8) and hears my cry (Psalm 34:15) and rescues me. (II Peter 2:9)
I believe in a God who has a plan for me...a plan to prosper and not harm, a plan to give a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)
I believe in a God who invites me to come to Him for soul rest. (Matthew 11:28)
And I believe in a God who wants so very much to have communion with me.   (I Corninthians 1:9)   With unclean, so unworthy...and yet, so passionately loved.
God wants conversation with me...just because I am His Beloved...
Sweet, Blessed Prayer
I wish my feeble tongue could better express the beauty of Prayer, the gift that it is.
Prayer takes me through the trial to the very Throne of Grace.  It Moves my eyes from the crisis at hand to the Christ whose Hand moves mountains
Somehow, someway, Prayer lifts the burden of the here and allows me to see straight thru to the Heart of God.  A God who Loves Me and knows my sorrows. 
A God who offers a Future and a Hope... Yes, that's the Glory of Prayer.  Raising us from our knees to a Life Lived Well in Him.
Prayer Graces Always,


  1. Thank you for your beautiful post about prayer. I believe too and know my God is always there for me. I have been following your blog over the past 15 months during my moms pancreatic journey and want to thank you for allowing me to look at your journey and learn about this awful cancer. My mom ended her journey on September 16. We are so sad that she is gone but have the assurance that she is with our Heavenly Father now and no longer suffering. God bless you.

  2. Oh, my heart aches for your loss...there are no words to express the sorrow, just hugs for the hurt sent across the miles to you and your family. Truly your mom was blessed with your love and care and tender presence. I can only imagine the joyful reunion that one day is coming...for all of us!

    Know that you and your loved ones are so very much in my thoughts and prayers. May God send His Grace to lift your countenance each moment of your journey forward, for He is faithful always,

    In His Love, Jane
