Friday, October 18, 2013

Craft Fair Craziness!

Craft Fairs, Flea Markets, Trade Days, Tag Sales... oh, they put me in a happy place!

Katie and I go whenever we can.  Canton Trade Days are our favorite... but any ole craft fair will put a smile on my face.  If I'm the attendee...

This is me, however, on the vending side of the aisle, with good friend, Kim, at a recent craft fair.

Some time ago we were sitting around her kitchen table laughing, visiting, drinking coffee (her), eating chocolate (me), and we hatched this hare-brained scheme of going on the craft fair circuit this fall...

What were we thinking?!

It is seriously stressful to be on the selling side of things.  Not to mention having to make all the things to sell.

I am a so much better (and happier) Goat Herder. Seriously.

But back to the post at hand... Craft Fairs.  From the vendors perspective.

Crazy Stressful.  I was trembling in my nikes before that first show.  So many people passing judgement on our wares.  Yikes.  Would they buy...would they walk past...what to to entice without being pushy...yada...yada...yada... My feet were killing me by noon.   Not to mention my nerves, which were shot.  Yes, I am a wimp when it comes to selling...

It felt like heaven to "close up shop" at 5 and sit down.  Oh, to sit down and relax... it felt so good it hurt.  And then we counted the money in the till and figured out we had broke even.  Hallelujah! 

Finally we looked at the booth and took stock in our adventure... ready to pack it up for another day.   But not just yet... we needed to sit for awhile and just relish the peace after all that stress...

And that reminded me of a story I once heard about some missionaries.   They were working as Bible translators in a primitive tribal village.  They were stumped in trying to find a word for peace in the tribe's language.  At last, a native who was working with them found a combination of words that had the concept they were looking for... "a heart that sits down."

I love the beauty of that phrase.  A heart that sits down.  Perfectly describes that inner peace we long for so when our circumstances menace and the cyclone rages...

It's the peace that says, "I don't understand everything, but I'll just rest in God and He will bring me through."

It's the peace that says, "Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear."

That's the peace that routs fear.  A peace that just sits right down in the midst of all the chaos and fear.  

Praying for that kind of peace tonight.  May our hearts sit down in the very Grace of His Presence and find rest, wholly complete in His promises. 

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