Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hands Held High

When last we left Moses things were getting dicey...

He was raising his hands high beseeching God Almighty for the victory as his beloved Israelites fought tooth and nail against the evil Amalekites. 

While his hands were raised, the Israelites prevailed against their enemy.  But as Moses grew weary in the task...think herculean Yoga pose for hours on end kind of task...his hands gradually drooped lower and lower causing the Israelites to lose the "upper hand" in the battle.
And then, just when all seemed lost... 2 amazing men came alongside Moses.  Aaron and Hur stepped up the mount, each leaned into Moses, supporting him and then raising his arms so the Israelites could win the victory.  And what a victory.  It was the first battle to be fought after the Israelites had been freed from the Egyptians.  Definitely a defining moment in their journey with God.  It was there that they called him Jehovah-Nissi... God my victory.  (Exodus 17:8-13) 
Through-out Scripture we can see that God is always about the Victory and Winning the Battle when his people seek Him.  
Joshua and his men could not win the battle alone.  They needed Jehovah-Nissi and Jehovah gave them Moses.
Moses could not keep his hands held high alone.  He needed Jehovah-Nissi and Jehovah gave him Aaron and Hur.
Aaron and Hur.  A brother and a friend.  Mighty in Grace to see Moses' need and risk all to be obedient to God's call.  They stepped into the gap to plead for the victory of Israel alongside Moses.
Beautiful Grace, extended to us through Jehovah-Nissi.
Do you see how God is still, this very day, extending Precious Grace to us as Jehovah-Nissi?
When one in our midst is in the battle of their life...fighting Amalekites or cancer... Jehovah-Nissi sends a Caregiver...
...a Caregiver that comes alongside to lift hands high on behalf of the beloved one.  A gentle hand to wipe the fevered brow, a strong hand to muscle through and encourage, a prayerful hand held high to beseech God Almighty for victory while the fight rages on..
...a Caregiver to come alongside and stand in the gap out of love.  And when the Caregiver becomes weary, too tired to meet the need, Gracious Jehovah-Nissi sends the helpers, the brothers, the friends to lean in and support the work being done, a steady strength to help carry the load.
Raising Hands High.  For the Beloved.  Beautiful, Beautiful Victory. 
And so, no matter, who you are, my friend, there is a lesson to be learned. Whether fighting the Amalekites yourself, or walking up the mount as Moses did, or even finding yourself called in as the support team, Jehovah-Nissi has a work for you to do...
Israel was promised the victory against the Amalekites... but they had to go out and fight.  Whatever life has thrown at you, know that Jehovah-Nissi has promised the victory, but you must arm yourself for the fight and walk into that battlefield prepared to give it all you've got.
Moses' part was to go to the top of the mount and raise his hands and the staff of God high.  It was the work Jehovah-Nissi had given him to do as leader of the beloved tribes of Israel.  He was their Caregiver.  And if you find yourself in such a role, know that Jehovah-Nissi has also promised you the victory, but when times of weariness come, and they will, let others come alongside to hold you up.  It is a precious work of Grace and Love.
Aaron and Hur had the crucial work of attending to Moses' need.  They encouraged him, supported him and leant him their strength when his was gone.  As you travel this life, you will see times when your friends or family are exhausted in their roles as Caregiver...you, my friend, have the awesome privilege of coming to their aid for a brief but annointed time.  And because of your gift, Jehovah-Nissi promises Victory for their beloved.
It is Grace Work for the Tired and Weary.  Beautiful, Intricate Design of Victory in Hands Held High. 
When we lift our Hands High in praise of Jehovah-Nissi, we can proclaim with the saints of old...
God my Victory!

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