Monday, October 14, 2013

Meltdown Madness...

Moving on in our 31 day Challenge, Grace for the Caregiver, we come to one of the most difficult emotions almost any Caregiver can face...
In a word, we're dealing with ANGER.
. . . A little Frustration... A smidgen Resentment... And a whole lot of Exasperation!
It's so not easy to talk about, it's even less easy to deal with.
When our eldest-born turned two, I was enamored with the cherub face.  Totally in love with his smile and winsome ways... and so positive that we had somehow won the parent-child lottery!  I mean, all the talk about the terrible-twos.  Really, who were they kidding?  Not happening in our home...
And then we went shopping at the local mall and took him on his first elevator ride...he was enraptured with the stomach-dropping thrill of pushing a button and shooting straight up to the sky.  Pretty fun ride for a 2 year old! When the doors opened, all the bystanders laughed at his excited chatter.  We were so proud of our adorable son...
Until we tried to walk him OFF the elevator.  In the blink of an eye, our cherub-child exploded into the mother of all Temper-Tantrums.
Lay down on the floor, screaming Nooooooo, banging his head on the floor for emphasis kind of Temper-Tantrum.
Holy Cow!  I think we were momentarily stunned into speechless amazement.
Who are you?  And where have you taken our son?!!
That was our introduction to Parenting and the Terrible Twos!  (Also the beginning of my mother guilt, in case you were interested.)
A 2-year-old's passionate temper tantrum showcases ANGER in its most elemental form...
Frustration that his needs aren't being recognized...
Resentment that he isn't getting his way...
Exasperation when no one gets his obvious "hints" and gives him what he wants...
All funnelled into one Huge, Raging, Ill-Tempered Meltdown.  It's not pretty.
I've felt this way a time or two or three.  Because...News Flash... These temper tantrums aren't reserved for two year olds alone...
Life is filled with Meltdown Moments.  And being a Caregiver has its share.  No matter how much we'd like to bury these not-so-pretty feelings...we're better off dealing with them and letting Grace mold the Meltdowns into Significant and Meaningful Moments.
Follow our Meltdown Madness as we expose Anger for the Temper Tantrum it is...and find the Grit and Courage to leave it all behind on this Journey of Grace for the Caregiver...
P.S.  For all you mothers out there in the midst of the Terrible Twos...there is Hope!  Travis is now all grown-up with a babe of his own...And he's still smiling!

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