Monday, October 21, 2013

The Mighty Acorn...

I want to be more patient...and I want it right now!

We might laugh, but it's just really hard to wait for the virtue of patience to be matured in us.  Something, or someone, always seems to be "trying our patience."  True? 

Mothers, is it not a hard thing sometimes to listen to Sponge Bob Squarepants for the thirteenth time, or to play Chutes and Ladders...over and over again?  Or referee one more squabble between siblings... Or how about potty training trips to the bathroom every 30 minutes...just to try?

Patience.  We need it every day, all day, for all the little things that make us wait...  Even when we love those little ones to pieces.  It. Takes. Patience.

And so it is with Caregiving.  How many times have we struggled with Patience?

Patience as we wait for the doctor to call back.

Patience as we wait for the lab test results.

Patience as we file yet another insurance claim.

Patience as we run interference with nosy, rude or otherwise irritating neighbors.

Patience as we figure out the plethora of new medicines, dosages and timing.

Patience as we keep encouraging our loved one through the ravages of chemo and radiation.

Patience as we clean the bathroom floor...again.

Patience as we gently wait for our loved one to decide a course of treatment when we think we alone know what's best.

Patience as we make 5 different dishes and turn the kitchen into a shambles trying to tempt them to eat something, anything.

Patience as the disease devastates and we can no longer deny the journeys end, nor change one painful minute of it.

Patience as our anger at the unfairness erupts, overflowing bitter.

Patience as we learn to let go and trust a Sovereign God when all around is grief and sorrow.


How I have struggled with Patience.

Our pastor shared the story of the farmer who went to town to buy seed for his fields.  On the way home, 2 seeds fell out of his sack onto fertile soil.  Within days, one of the seeds sprouted and began growing, but not the other.  As the days passed, the one seed grew and grew, sprouting leaves and curling tendrils, but not the other.  Soon the one seed had large leaves and tiny yellow blossoms, the other had not even cracked open its shell.  Finally, the one seed matured and produced beautiful squash, which the farmer harvested and gladly shared with his family.  The other seed remained in the ground, alone and forgotten.

Over time, the forgotten seed softened and ripened, splitting the tough outer coat and began its journey toward the sun.  Over days and months and years, the seed grew and grew, but so very, very slowly.  After many years, the farmer was finally able to walk under its broad and mighty limbs, and relish the cool shade the tree provided and marvel at all the birds and animals that called its lush canopy home.  He gathered his family under the comforting shelter and together they admired the beauty and faith of the Mighty Oak Tree.


Would that I could remember the patience of that little acorn.  For Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow... It takes time.  It takes endurance.  It takes faith. 

It takes Patience.

Never forget that the work we do as Caregivers so often travels the course of the little acorn.  Perhaps we feel alone in the burden, or forgotten by others.  Maybe the work seems never-ending with no possible good in sight.

Let Grace weave Patience into the story.  Each small task you do for the sake of your loved one bears much fruit as you trust in His Hand to bless the offering.   It is a sacrificial ministry born out of love.  We may not see the answer we pray for in this life, but know that, as with the little acorn, God promises to see us through until we stand in Faith before Him .  He will see that our work accomplishes His purposes, offering Hope, Encouragement and Comfort to all gathered under the shelter of our Love and Care.

"And let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
                                                                ~ Galatians 6:9
You, my friend, are a Mighty Acorn... just wait and see what Patience and Faith grow you into!

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