Thursday, January 9, 2014

Transition becomes us...

Still homeless... smile.

It has been just shy of a month since we said goodbye to the farm.

Tears have dried, Christmas has slipped into our hearts and the New Year shines before us.

And this is our current state of affairs... we are homeless, drifting between the welcoming arms of my father and our daughter (thank you, thank you).  They are providing the comfortable bed, the overflowing table, and the bounty of laughter and love to prepare us for the journey ahead.

We are calling it "The Hunt."

It is the hunt for our next home, perhaps our retirement nest, our family's gathering place...

And it is exciting and fun... and Exhausting!

We are in transition... in a Big Way... but then it seems all of life is but one big transition... we are constantly adjusting to change (as much as we try to resist).  I look with disbelief on my eldest child, who to me is still the tow-headed toddler, now with toddlers of his own!

Would that we could freeze the moments and slow the change!  But transitions are relentless, despite our pleas, the changes come...

And so it was with the farm.

Several years ago, farmer-husband began traveling more and more with his company.  These past few years he has been gone more than he's been home.  The farm and all her wonderful responsibilities have fallen to me mostly, with a growing "honey-do" list for him on the weekends he's home. This has made the farm's work more weight than wonderful.

We will always be farmers at heart.  Country we are... the beauty of a still sunrise or a soaring hawk... the contentment and awe of a nanny with kids... the peace of an evening walk in the woods... we will never tire of these.

But life is messy sometimes.  Fences break, coyotes howl, hay needs hauling... Weekends meant for family and church, relaxing and recharging become fraught with stress and tension and not enough time...

God has been sweetly calling us to Him.  Prompting our hearts that there is a place of balance. A place that allows space for family and friends, a place that speaks Grace over stress...

For us it will be down-sizing the whole, but magnifying the little... easy to say, difficult to find!

Thus, the Hunt...

And in the meantime, a life of transitions!

Perhaps transition has caught you off-guard?  Yes...No...?! 
A cross-country job change... a tragic illness... a heart-wrenching loss... your life may be in chaotic transition.
Or... the changes are slipping by silently.  A neighbor moves... a boss retires... a child grows... transitions of the quietest kind, they have a way of sneaking up on you...
Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.”
                                                         ~ Tom Stoppard
Wherever you find yourself on this life journey, may you be Graced with wisdom and patience...and most of all, an abiding Peace through the changes...
Love to each,


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