Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rotator Cuffs, Ropes and... Spring!

Update for the curious... Rotator Cuff is re-attached...  Recliner is at the ready... Recuperation has begun...

And there are 2 things, no 3, that I am grateful for today:

*  So blessed by Competent Surgeons who can wrangle and wrestle with torn tendons.  Our doctor said Farmer Husband had done an amazingly great job of rolling the tendon all the way to the back of the socket... I don't think that was a good thing, actually I'm pretty sure it was a bad thing...  Our wonderful surgeon then brought out the pictures he had taken during the "procedure" documenting him "wrangling" the wily rotator cuff into position...and Spoiler Alert...yes, that is a rope in the pictures.  Additional Spoiler are really yucky... Look Away Now!

 Yucky... Right???
I don't think Surgeons should do Show and Tell...
the Tell part by itself would be fine... Just sayin'

*  Doubly Blessed by Compassionate Anesthesiologists who do awesome things with Nerve Blocks.  We are 24 hours into recovery and still no pain... although handsome husband says his arm feels like it weighs a ton and is deader than a doornail (personally I am ecstatic... I dislike pain, especially when it's happening to someone I love...) 

*  And finally, I am so grateful that tomorrow heralds the first day of Spring!  Ok, nothing to do with rotator cuffs, but who can't identify with this?  Warm Days, Sweet Fragrances, Balmy Breezes and Glorious Blooms... So ready to leave this Winter long gone!

And truly, Spring is the perfect place to begin our Rotator Cuff Recovery...

Journeying on in Grace, Always,

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