Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Little Dozers, Big Infernos and the summer that slipped away...

The first day of fall?


Shut the front door... Summer is officially over.   And it obviously happened when I wasn't looking, or paying attention.  Which has been pretty much my life lately.

I think it must have something to do with sweating out all the heaven-help-us,
100-plus-degree summer days clearing brush at the lake... yes, I'm pretty sure that and the 2-story bonfire of said brush roasted all my brain cells.

So, to catch everyone up...

Last December, we sold the farm.

This June we bought the lake place.

Since then we've been spending every spare minute dreaming (and sweating) and working on our new, very humble, almost can imagine it, homestead... that's my way of saying that we don't have a house yet. or water. or electricity... yet.

But we have cleared the trees!  And have a driveway. Sort of...

Would you like to see?

Ok, so these aren't the prettiest (unless you're a manly man and really, really like tearing things up with chainsaws and little dozers and then burning it all to the ground...)

But, the thing I'm learning about dreams is that they're kind of messy and definitely sweaty... and oh so hard.  And very, very, absolutely, most assuredly worth every blister, thorn, burn and skinned knee...

Stay with me... There will be pretty eventually. (We promise!)

And since it is actually the first day of fall.  Here's a perfectly perfect picture to end this dramatic and sweaty post :-)

Ok, now I'm ready to go pumpkin-pickin' and plant my mums...
May you enjoy the splendid beauty of autumn's advent, dear ones.
My Love,

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