Monday, October 27, 2014

Tea Anyone?

One can't research Pancreatic Cancer Treatments very long before running into Essiac Tea.

It has long been touted as an effective method of curing cancer...even pancreatic cancer.  I definitely feel it has a place here in our pancreatic cancer alternative treatments discussion.

I have never made Essiac Tea or tried it.  But the research was indeed interesting...

Essiac tea is composed of 4 herbs. 

Two are Sheep Sorrel and Burdock Root, both known for their cancer-killing effect.  And the other two are Slippery Elm Bark and Turkey Rhubarb Root, known for their immune-boosting powers.

Essiac Tea has its share of critics... but what I couldn't find were any ancedotal experiences of harm from the tea, so as our motto is "first do no harm," I am inclined to include Essiac Tea here for consideration.

To get a really good understanding of the History and Story behind Essiac Tea, take some time to read through the articles at The Truth about Essiac on the Health Freedom website.  They present an abundance of information about the tea and all the hows and whys behind its apparent success.

They also have a link to several videos about Essiac Tea.  One in particular is very informative on how to Brew the Tea at home...

Many local health food stores will also share copious amounts of information... But, here one needs to be careful.  In my research I have come across many vendors that have jumped on the Essiac Tea bandwagon.  Some sell products that may or may not have the correct herbs, or potency. 

So... Two Big Cautions for this alternative treatment:

1)  As always, please, please talk with your healthcare team if you are considering adding Essiac Tea in to your treatment plan.

2)  Whenever possible, grow the herbs yourself and make your own tea to insure purity, and if that's not possible, purchase the herbs and/or tea from a reputable herbal dealer.

Do I think that drinking Essiac Tea will cure pancreatic cancer?  I honestly do not know... I wish, so often, that mom was still here.  Perhaps she would have given it a try.  Then we might have had a more personal experience with this alternative remedy.

Do I think that drinking Essiac Tea will harm you?  I do not believe so... but always caution you to talk with your doctor... each case is so different, each body has unique strengths and weaknesses, each treatment plan is dependent on so many factors, and each herb has much potential for good...

And bad.  Remember... Hemlock is a Herb... A Very Poisonous Herb.  Do Not Underestimate the Power of Plants!

I don't believe that drinking this tea would cause problems, but when working with natural herbs one must always be aware of their extreme potency...

If you have experience with Essiac Tea, would you share?  All on this journey need to hear your story...

Because each story helps us Map the Journey... With Hope.  And Grace.


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