We call it the Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese Diet...
And I'm going to start this series off by saying that we don't have any personal testimonies to share with most of these treatments. I so wish I did. I would love to tell you that you MUST try this. Your cancer will hate it!
But... all I have to go on is the testimony of people I have never met. In my more cynical moments I have a tendency to doubt all the miracle promises. Because, truly, if this was the miracle for curing pancreatic cancer wouldn't everyone be on the band wagon? Like, why doesn't my doctor know about this?!! Hello... I'm dying here... Is he holding out on me?!
Well, you get the gist. I get a little dramatic.
However, there is a part of me that does believe some of the explanations... most alternative treatments or therapies are natural... the Big Pharmaceutical companies can't make a dime on them. (More cynical moments on my part.) I'm thinking that if the Drug Companies can't make money on the alternative treatments then I'm assuming they won't be promoting them, hence the doctors won't be prescribing them...
So no miracle pancreatic cancer treatments...
What if the cure for pancreatic cancer really did lie in a deficiency in our bodies?
A scientist in Germany wondered the same thing. Her name was Dr. Johanna Budwig and out of her research she developed a diet aimed at correcting the unhealthy balance in our bodies.
Her diet protocol has been in use for several decades and according to her followers it has been very successful in helping reverse many types of tumors, even pancreatic cancer tumors.
Dr. Budwig’s research centered on the important role of essential fatty acids in our body. They are called essential because they are critical to good health. We all need essential fatty acids, but our body doesn’t make them. We have to eat them or include them in our daily diet.
Did you get that? We have to eat essential fatty acids in our daily diet because our body doesn't make them.
Essential fatty acids are found in vegetables, fish, seeds and nuts. There is one thing about these oils though. They will spoil quickly if left in the heat or sunlight for any length of time. So the food industry has developed ways to chemically alter the oils to give them a longer shelf life. These new chemically altered essential fatty acids are turned into harmful, processed oils that are now called hydrogentated or partially hydrogentated fats and oils.
Another news flash... The "new" processed oils or hydrogenated oils are not good for our body.
Dr. Budwig realized that because most people were now consuming the new processed oils (harmful), they were not eating the good essential fatty acids that the body needs. She found that many people were becoming deficient in two particular essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6. Both of these fatty acids play a big role in protecting our bodies from cancer.
Our bodies use these essential fatty acids, mostly the omega-3, to line and protect the cell membranes. Each and every cell membrane in our body. When we don’t have enough essential fatty acids, the cells are “unprotected.”
Dr. Budwig proposed that there is very likely a connection to the deficiency of essential fatty acids and cancer. She believed that cancer was a result of not “too much” cell growth, but of “faulty” cell growth. When the cells tried to grow and divide, there wouldn’t be enough of the essential fatty acids to completely cover the new cell, so it would remain in the mother cell, but with a full set of new chromosomes. Not normal. Cells gone awry. Cancer potential.
The omega-6 essential fatty acid is primarily used in the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is essential for carrying oxygen to all the cells. Again, critically important to our good health.
Starting to see the significance of essential fatty acids yet? Our body doesn’t make them. We have to eat them. But many of us are deficient in these good essential fats.
Enter Dr. Budwig's Diet Protocol to increase the good essential fatty acids and remove the harmful hydrogenated oils...
Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese Recipe
1 cup cottage cheese
4 tablespoons flaxseed oil (actually started out with 2 tablespoons and worked up)
Mix with blender until oil disappears. Then add:
once the FO and CC are well mixed grind 2 Tbps of whole flaxseeds and
add to the mixture. Please note that freshly ground flax seeds must be
used within 20 minutes after being ground or they will become rancid. Th
- See more at:
2 tablespoons whole flaxseed, freshly groundfrozen strawberries to taste
1 teaspoon honey, we actually added a little more to sweeten mixture up
Mix all together in blender and refrigerate in covered container. Eat small portions throughout the day.
Here’s why Dr. Budwig combined these two very different products into one diet. She found that the body absorbs the natural essential fatty acids best when combined with a sulfur-based protein. Flaxseed oil is an extremely rich source of both the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Cottage cheese is a perfect sulfur-based protein. Put the two together and there you have the basics for the Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese Diet.
If you are considering trying this diet, there are just a few more things to know:
- only use unrefined, cold-pressed flaxseed oil that is sold in a dark, light-blocking bottle and kept refrigerated at all times. I found the Barleans brand at our local health food store.
- always mix the oil and cottage cheese together in a blender or mixer to ensure the essential fatty acids are binding with the sulfur-based proteins.
- when on the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese diet, Dr. Budwig did have some dietary restrictions. She recommended cutting out all animal fats, salad oils, margarines and even butter from your diet, as well as any unrefined sugar, although she allowed unsweetened grape juice and honey. I’ll be honest, we didn’t get quite that restrictive, but in order to be fair and give the diet a chance these are the suggestions she makes.
- start slow at the beginning. Increase the amount of oil gradually. As you know, pancreatic cancer can drastically affect the normal digestive process. Adding in a sudden, huge dose of oils, even good ones, can cause stomach upset. So start slow.
Mom was able to sample the Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese Diet, but we found this information too late in her pancreatic cancer journey to really tell if it made any difference. We shared her experience on our website here.
If you are interested in learning more about the Budwig Diet Protocol, check out The Budwig Center Website. You can read some of their actual testimonials here.
And as always, please check with your healthcare team before beginning any new treatment, diet or protocol...
Join us as we continue to pursue Alternative Pancreatic Cancer Treatments as we walk through our series Mapping the Journey.
Graced to Journey Together,
This combo of fso and cc has to be eaten within 10 minutes of blending or it will start going rancid. And holding over in the fridge for the day will NOT stop this rancidity from forming.