Friday, April 17, 2015

Joy in the Midst of Grief, Is it Even Possible?

2 months ago we lost a friend...

Bonnie has been a part of our circle for as long as I can remember.  She lived just up the road from us in a little yellow house that bloomed bluebonnets all spring long.  Though in her 80's, Bonnie was a bundle of energy and the memories run long of the fun we've had together...

She and her daughter, Marilyn were a happy part of our Lunch circle, our Bible Study group and our Road-Trip Warriors escapades...

Her loss has left us a little off-center.  Her faith strong, we never doubted her home-going.  The goodbyes were sweet and full of love.  Her family centered in Christ's promises.   And yet, there is such a hole left in our lives...

We miss that smile, the encouraging hugs, even that sassy way she had of livening even the most ordinary of days.

And while we feel the missing, her daughter struggles all the more, for more than mother-daughter, they were best of friends.

And so, when life grabs you by the neck and drags you through paths uncharted, it is often that we end up adrift with no anchor... and in the midst of the uncertain, the bluebonnets bloom sure... and we dared to snatch Marilyn up for a Road Trip, even in the midst of grieving Bonnie...

For in our Cancer Journey, mom found that sometimes you just need to Get-Away for a bit.  And though we weren't Traveling with Cancer, we indeed needed a reprieve from the heart-ache... A granting of permission to go and enjoy the people, places and activities that bring us so much pleasure.

And so the Road Trip to Waco was born.  A Grace Break most needed.

Waco?!  Yes, the home of our newest addiction... The Fixer-Upper!  Have you seen it on HGTV?  Chip and Joanna Gaines are the warm and crazy hosts of a show that we simply love.  So where better to head off to if you live in Texas?  Magnolia Markets, the fabulous Fixer-Upper store front!

Oh and we shopped...

and shopped...

And then since you can only shop so long,
we set out to explore the Back Roads of Waco.
Friends, you need to visit Waco!


Such beauty... flowers spilling, heart-aches easing...

And we found the tallest Crepe Myrtle we've ever seen!

And of course, we ate and laughed...
and talked about our moms, and Bonnie,
and cried a bit...
And felt the Grace Break right on down to our very hearts.

And, naturally we found our bluebonnets...

Spring time in Texas...
Somehow Grace gives joy even in the midst of grieving,
for sharing the heart-aches together, surely eases the pain
and gives way to such beautiful memories.

Thanking God for the gift of you, Miss Bonnie,
your light and legacy live on...

P.S. You would have loved this trip!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Pushing Back the Dark

... Because Somebody needs the Light you have!

Whatever you do,
just don't lose heart...

Keep on Pushing Back the Dark!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Resurrection Light!

And the Darkness gave way to the
Light of Love...
Resurrection Sunday bringing Hope for those of us lost
in eternal night...
Jesus Christ, the Risen Savior,
unblemished Lamb of God,
in Him we find our Way,
our Peace, our Salvation
Happy Easter, Friends!
Death has Lost
Love has WON!

Friday, April 3, 2015

When the Darkness Seems Too Much to Bear...

Today we celebrate Good Friday...

I've always wondered why it was called Good.  Seems that there was nothing good about Christ's walk down Golgatha's path... his pain must have been immense, the lashings, the weight of the cross upon his wounded back, the scoffing of the crowd, the fear and horror on the disciples' faces, the brutal knowing of his fate awaiting at the top of the hill... nothing good on this Friday...

And when the torment was ended, his broken and bleeding body lay in a borrowed tomb, lifeless and still.  And the stone rolled over the light and shut the Son of God in the darkest night...

The darkness of this hour would seem to be too much to bear...

And there were times in our pancreatic cancer journey that the darkness overwhelmed...just like that stone rolling out the light. 

Our walk down the shadow valley led us to places of utter darkness.

The heartaches, the pain, the fear... it was as if the light was forever gone.

Perhaps you've been there too.  Or maybe you are struggling to find your way through a dark journey even now.

Might you be encouraged this day.  For it occurs to me that God does some of His most miraculous things in the dark.

There was Abraham.  Father of the Jewish Nation.  He struggled hard with obedient faith, trusting in God when all else about him was sifting sand.  He endured droughts and strife with family, he was called to move to a foreign land and watched as war broke out on every side.  And he aged.  And became old.  And had no son to be his heir.  Even though God had promised his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.  Doubt had him questioning God's promises. We read in Genesis 15:12-18 that God came to Abraham in the dark of the night and renewed His Covenant with him...promising that his descendants would indeed have this land.  Just as Abraham's heart was in so dark of a place, God chose the cover of darkness to reveal the Light that can only be found in Him...

And there was Moses.  Leading the children of Israel from the bondage of Pharoah in the darkness of the night.  I can only imagine the horror of that last plague... the death of all firstborn...

And it came to pass at midnight that the Lord struck all the firstborn in the land of Eqypt... (but when He saw the blood of the lamb on the Israelites lintel and doorposts, the Lord passed over the door and did not allow the destroyer to come in and strike them)... So Pharoah rose in the night, and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was not one dead.  Then he called for Moses and said  'Go, serve the Lord, both you and the children of Israel.'  And so it was that Moses led the Israelites out of the land of bondage in the dark of night.    Exodus 12:21-42

And what about Jacob.  The one who tricked his twin brother out of the birthright.  Yep.  Esau held a grudge.  And back then, grudges could be deadly.  So Jacob fled with his very life (and the birthright), but as the years passed, he found his heart hungering for reconciliation.  He made the decision to head for home, but along the way... in the dark of night... he struggled with his fear and he wrestled the night through with God... like, really wrestling, physically fighting... through the long, dark night... Jacob wrestled with God.  And he found peace.  And the Blessing.  Genesis 32:22-32

And I love Jonah.  Running from God's call.  Acting like a spoiled child not getting his way.  Until God got his attention in the belly of the big fish.  For 3 days.  Can you imagine how dark, how horrid, how completely without hope Jonah must have felt?   Surely the darkness must have been his undoing... for in Jonah 2:7-9 it is recorded, "When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; And my prayer went up to you."   In the midst of tormenting darkness, Jonah raised the voice of thanksgiving, saying "Salvation is of the Lord."  And the fish spit Jonah up onto dry land... into the light of the sun...

"And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel."  Isaiah 45:3

Darkness.  When it descends, it can overwhelm.  The fear, the grief, the worry... all seem exaggerated in the midnight hour.  We feel so alone, so helpless.  So out of Hope.

Beloved, we are never alone.  It is during our darkest hours that God is doing His most miraculous work in our lives.  For out of our darkest places He can bring light to illuminate our very hearts... shining Hope over His Purpose in our lives, mining the treasures of the hidden riches for His Glory.

As hard as it is to walk the Shadow Valley, I know that His Hand goes before me to hollow out a place to hold me close until the morning light... for the darkness always gives way to His Light...
And so, this Good Friday... the very Savior is hidden from the light, in the tomb of the dead.  It will never feel right to call it Good.

We could feel as desperate and hopeless as those disciples must have felt.  The darkness surely radiated an eternal grief that night... and just when the darkness seemed to be too much to bear...

 God prepares to reveal His most miraculous work...

Sunday's Coming...