Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Safe in the Jaws of the Beast...

Ok, so you remember that walk we took a week back?

The beautiful spring-day walk in the woods?  Yep, that one...

And our hearts were smiling, and the breeze was light, and it was so very springy and pretty...

And I took lots of pictures, and only shared a few, cuz overload and all that.  Well, there were a few pictures I didn't share, because, well, they weren't very springy and pretty.

But, then everything changes.  And now I have to share.  So beware...not springy and pretty coming up...

Yes, it is indeed a skull...
Just laying out on the path, wicked fangs interrupting the peaceful calm of our spring walk.  Farmer husband informed me that they are tusks from a wild hog... But fangs, tusks, it was all a little unsettling
So, of course, we picked up the gruesome skeleton and brought it back home.  You expected that, yes?
It's kind of like "show-and-tell" at Memaw and Pepaw's... Because grandkids love gory stuff...
And I tried to ignore the gory skull... But then it ended up on the patio table so we could see it better and I refused to eat there, ever and again, amen...
Fast forward to today and this adorable little tree frog...
All safe and snug in the Jaws of the Beast...
And getting a little sun to boot.
How can that not make you happy?
Sweet little tree frog, nestled all content
in the last place on earth I would ever want to be...
Perhaps there is good even in the gory?
(The patio table is still dead to me...just saying)
And because this could be a traumatizing post for the squeamish among us,
I feel obligated to end on a happier note...
Same walk, same day...
Frilly blooming Iris,
growing wild and free,
a thing of beauty.
May your day be so,
the unexpected beautiful right where you are.
Love Always,

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