Sunday, October 25, 2015

Battlefield Break - Hello Fall!

Coming home from our whirlwind trip north, we took some beautiful back roads and decided to stop at the historic Deutsch Country Days in central Missouri.
It was a gorgeous fall day, and the grounds were all decked out in autumn's finest... as we hiked and stretched our legs, we happened upon this incline in the path.  Just ahead of us, a fellow hiker slipped and took a hard fall.  Within seconds, those nearest her quickly lent their aid.   People she didn't even know saw her need and stopped to offer help.  She wasn't injured badly, but it reminded me of the kindnesses that we all need along this journey.
When we take a fall... when the path becomes steep... when we can't find our way... it is the kindness of others that often graces our lives and makes the hard things bearable somehow.
So, on this last Battlefield Break of our 31 Day Journey, we're celebrating the Beauty of Fall and the Kindness that touches all our lives.
As the leaves gild gold and summer's days grow short, might you find Kindness an unexpected and sweet companion as you journey along the way!
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