Saturday, October 10, 2015

Make Cancer Stop...

I need you to make cancer stop,
nd I will love you crazy for trying so hard.

"It is so hard to know how to support someone going through the war against cancer. What we really want to do is make it all stop. Make the cancer go away. Provide total healing. When we can’t do that, we feel helpless and oftentimes end up in a state of paralysis, doing nothing."
                                   ~ Nicole J. Phillips

This beautiful quote so very well describes the feelings of thousands walking this cancer road with their loved one.  We want nothing more than to make it all go away...

We offer advice, madly research the best treatments.  Suggest different diets, new supplements.  Study alternative fixes.  Storm the internet.  Grab at straws.  Plead with the Almighty.  

And in the end, no matter how we have begged and bargained and agonized over it, we are simply incapable of making this cancer stop.  Mom knew that from the beginning.  

To each one who rallied around her with gifts of advice or suggestions of treatments, she accepted the tear-stained offers of love as a promise.  A promise that she never fought alone.  She knew the power of that intense yearning for her healing would stop her cancer in a heartbeat if that were humanly possible.

And for this, she was forever grateful.

Our promise, as we continue this fight in her honor, is to one day find a way to Make Cancer is our deepest desire...

...for every mother, or father, or sister, or brother, friend or child facing this devastating diagnosis...

It is all Grace to join in the fight that will End Cancer in our lifetime, so no one will ever have to agonize on this cancer road, ever again...

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