Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Imperfectly Perfect...

Life can be unpredictable.  Especially with 3 toddlers in tow ... Katie and Jordan are living out that crazy-happy reality daily since their adoption was finalized last August.  And several weeks ago, they were kind enough to include me in on some of the fun!

It all started with a small dream.  and it seemed so wonderful.   and so perfect.

and I said yes  :-)

So Katie gathered her little family together and some snacks and a little red wagon and some extra blankets and more snacks, and they all headed for our Lake Place.  For Pictures.  Like a Family-Photo-Shoot kind of thing. 

And what Grandma wouldn't love to be a part of that?  A picture-perfect captured for their first forever-family Christmas card.  Sweet little faces, chubby fingers and darling dimples... what could possibly go wrong?

We scouted out some potential backdrops around the place... got out the little red wagon and let those babies loose.

Did I already ask what could go wrong??

Aw, goodness... things got messy fast.  3 Adults were absolutely no match for those 3 adorably active toddlers.  At the lake.  With no boundaries. 

It started out well enough.  A nice walk around the pond...

And then feeding the fish.

However, C was more fascinated with the swing than the fish :-)

 Daddy to the rescue...

sort of...

but then C spied something on the ground that was much more intriguing than smiling for the camera!


So we moved to the old tractor.  Because, well, boys and tractors...

 And lost C completely... it would appear that tractors were not his thing either :-(

With fears of wild bush-dogs honing in on his pitiful cries, we swept them all up and headed for a walk...

Much better... until 2 broke from rank...

 Fairies were whispering... be free... fly with the wind...

Oh, my goodness, hearts crack wide...  Undone by joy, this is the face of happy...

And after the running, a regrouping and resting on soft blankets and laps.

Which lasted all of 22 seconds... and they were off again...

Off to explore... the car ???

...because that's the place they always want to go every other day... Not! 
So what's a new mom and dad to do when they find themselves alone??

 Snatching a few minutes of couple-time is a sure-fire way to bring 'em all back!

Worked like a charm. 

... and babies rush back for their share of the love.

And somewhere in the search for their Perfect Family Picture, Katie and Jordan found Beauty Glorious in the perfectly unorchestrated moments of a day spent together in play and laughter...

We never did get a picture of all 5 smiling perfect for the camera,
but what we did get were memories heaped with happy
and hearts filled to the brim with thanksgiving,
for this, God's Grace-Gift of Love.

And that might just be Picture-Perfect...

May our days, no matter how unpredictable or imperfect,
bring moments sweet with the ones we love...

These Imperfectly Perfect gifts of time
are the cherished treasures of a life well lived. 

In Grace, Overflowing,

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