Monday, December 7, 2015

Router Rebellion...

Can we all agree that I am technically-challenged?  Yes?  It's true. I am not proud.

Computers speak in foreign tongues and refuse my simple requests... stomping my feet and throwing tantrums didn't impress either.

Red lights blink and sweet phone technician tries in vain to walk me through a re-set.  Wires tangle and frustrations steam.  We eventually trace  the rebellion to a slim black router...  Solution?  New one is on it's way...

And if you are reading this post, then I have successfully managed to untangle wires, replace router and re-set our computer... Angels are singing, Miracles abound...

In the meantime, I have been offline for approximately one week... no social media, no wi-fi, no website, no blogs... it has been scary!  I didn't know I was so plugged in... being router-less for these past days has created holes in my ordinary life that needed filling!

So we headed to the lake place and burnt off some energy...

and cleared brush...

And lined up the pumpkins...
and did some target practice...
and watched the grass grow on an old straw bale...
and sat by the pond...
and watched our little wood duck...
and sat under this brilliant blue sky and oh-so fluffy clouds...
and let the day slip away
in glorious display!
and slowly the week began to fill
with amazing moments...
we went to a sweet nieces bridal shower...
and laughed silly with family
then drove to Ft. Worth and played tourist
at the Stockyards for a day...
and when the computer still wouldn't talk to me
I met a friend for lunch and some over-due Christmas shopping...
and so wanted to take a selfie in front of this gorgeous tree...
...well, that's not right.
But we laughed...
and it felt so good to laugh!
and then we got to tag along
with grandbabies and Santa visits...
and we laughed even harder...
I know we shouldn't, but it was a moment.
Simply a perfect nod to every parent's obligatory
"Santa Picture" rite of passage.
Those babies just didn't want do with the Jolly St. Nick.
(But Santa smiled thru it all...he's the best!)
And pretty soon, I wasn't even missing my computer time...
could be that I had been missing my life.
So, go hug someone for real and leave the cyber world to rest
if just for a day or two.
Life is just too precious to miss! 
P.S. the babies were a smiling mess as soon as we hit the playground!

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