Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Road Trip and a Remembering...

This week past we have enjoyed a beautiful road trip back home to Illinois.

For an early Mother's Day visit with the sweetest mother-in-law around...

and we ate...

and laughed...

and visited with family...

and time flew by much, much too fast!!

While we were there, we had the sweet privilege of attending
an unforgettable Tree Dedication with family and friends...
it was a time of remembering and honoring
a very special soldier.

10 years have passed in a blur of grief and questions for the family...
a decade of making peace

The day was filled with
sacred moments that brought healing and hope to many...

Marcy spoke from her heart to the hundreds gathered,
of the son she loved,
the young man who loved this country,
the hero he was to her and so many others...

There was an unveiling of a new memorial at the local High School baseball field where Caleb was a legend...

and welcoming many of his brothers in arms for an honoring
of gratitude for all they have given...

quiet moments at a graveside

an Army flyover,
tears spilling as the single wing dipped in honor...

and the dedicated Patriot Guard riders protecting the ceremony...
with such dignity and respect,
hearts stirred as their bikes streamed in,
the low rumble heard for miles as they led a solemn procession
to the graveside... 

It was a day of celebrating one amazing life...

with a mom and 2 brothers who carry on his legacy of love and laugher...

Caleb you are so very missed...
You will Always be Remembered...and Loved Deeply

While we may never have answers to the senseless tragedies in our lives,
there is a balm and a healing in the gathering together and remembering
of those we love.

... Marcy shared this note she received shortly after the ceremony...

"I am one of the wives of the guys who served with your son. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Caleb, it was like I knew him my whole life after this weekend. The dedication healed an empty hole in my husband that has caused many sleepless nights for the last decade. Thank you for being part of that healing process. He slept the whole night through for the first time Saturday night. I am honored to have met you and the people who Caleb touched throughout his life".

Never, never underestimate the power of that healing when we find the grace to remember in love those we have lost....

Praying for your heart this day,
knowing the remembering can tear our souls with the missing and hurt,
but asking that Grace lift your grief and turn the ache into peace...
for there can be life-giving rest in honoring a memory.

My Love, Always,

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