Sunday, May 29, 2016

Another Camping Trip in the Bag!

So if you've been around the blog for the last few years, you know how much we look forward to our camping trips... and you've probably heard about some of our famously YUCky camping trips... heart be still... they are so very much fun and relaxing and uplifting and absolutely NECESSARY for my sanity!

And the past week was no exception!

Time spent with a group of cherished friends who love us like family

There was a kayak trip or two...

And maybe some crazy hot games of volleyball...

And of course there was food... delicious, get-in-my-belly, camping food!

And bonfires...

And hikes... (on camp roads this year... cuz, well, strollers ya'll)

And smiles... beautiful, sweet smiles and crazy fun moments to fill hearts...

And such beauty for my soul...

It has been a God-gift to celebrate treasured friends this week past.

Is camping work?  Oh my yes...
And messy?  Ummmm, yes!!

Would it be easier to stay home in our comfortable, air-conditioned,
digitally-connected world?

But oh what we would be missing!

We.  Are.  Blessed.

Knees bend in gratitude for such a gift.

No matter the heartaches that attend this life, it is worth every messy, hard minute to pack up for this camping trip and re-connect...

Praying you are graced this night with a love and a "family" that is worth every messy, hard minute it takes to share your heart.

Graced, and Blessed and looking for a hot shower!

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