Thursday, June 23, 2016

To hear the whisper of God...

"To hear the whisper of God
you must turn down the volume of the world.
Find time to disconnect from everything around you
and be still in His presence today.
He is waiting for you to draw near."
                                     ~ daughterbydesign blog

"Come near to God and He will come near to you..."
James 4:8

Praying your day is filled with "Be Still" moments
that are soft with the whisper of God.

My Love,

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is beautiful - thank you for using your life to heal the hearts of so many people suffering, those who are battling and those who may be gearing up and ready to go in. God is good and every step of our lives is good when we keep facing Him. Not fear 😊 Thank you for sharing.
