Friday, August 12, 2016

Geese Crossings and Ambulance Drivers

Another day spent behind these hospital walls with nurses and doctors, breathing treatments, blood tests and endless other important medical activities...

Dad is continuing to mend.  And I am continuing to worship grateful.

As I was leaving tonight heading home. I happened to pull in behind an ambulance leaving the ER bay.  As they approached the stop sign that exited us out of the parking lot, they slowed to a crawl and, well, perhaps a picture would make you smile...

A family of geese casually crossing the road... A sliver of joy split my heart.

The ambulance driver waiting patiently until all were across before pulling out.  {Love}

And all was well until one of the geese had a moment of indecision and that messed everybody up!

Do we stay the course and journey on?
Maybe we should turn around and go back?

I am sure there is an appropriate lesson somewhere here,
but I am way too tired to make sense of it...

In the end,

The family headed back to the grassy knoll from which they came
and decided the bug hunting was superb there after all.
(Or so I imagine that's how it went...)

You never know who will be gracing your path each day...

Grateful for moments of happy joy
even in the midst of dad's worrisome hospital stay!

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